test on presumption

Psalm 19 talks about this sin. This is the exact thing that led me to fall and a rather lengthy chastening period, among other things. Man, do we have a lot of junk.

Anyway, I talked to Nate two nights ago and Angie yesterday. Both got checks in their spirit about seminary. Neither would speak it for fear of crushing my excitement. Angie knew that false prophets had given it to me, even though they were believers.

This was of God, but it was also a test of God. This was good, but not His great.

I thank Him for the people and the grace to work through it. Last time, it took a year. This time, it took a little over a week, and I still almost fell into the same trap. Yikes.

Lord, give me wisdom. Thanks for Nate and Angie and teaching us all how to hear Your voice as it grows more faint every day. Teach us how to navigate this life and purpose for the greatest glory of You.

I want Your very best, Father. The very best You purposed me for. Bring that and nothing else. Do whatever must be done to get me there.

In Jesus Name!!!
