1 Thess 2:6
6nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority.
God started speaking to me yesterday about glory. In John 5, Jesus talks about not seeking glory from men. He was not looking for that. I heard a message from Billy Humphry last night about this. And, today, I came across this passage in 1 Thessalonians.
I went over and prayed for Stephane’s son, Jordan yesterday who was in the hospital. Her friend Tanya was there, and she prayed more glory to be released into me.
I believe that the LORD wants more glory to be released through me. But, I also believe that He is admonishing me not to seek my own glory. He will not share His glory with man. I dont want it. I want His name to be made great.
It’s like all of a sudden, God is speaking about glory to me. What is up with that?
I ask for more, LORD. I ask for great grace. I ask that you do amazing things through my life and that all glory and honor be Yours.
Let me walk humbly before my God.