Dream: Preaching at the Ampitheatre

I dreamed that me and my family were at some park-like place. There were tons of people everywhere. We were in a production truck that was more like the back of a semi trailer. It was showtime.

I had been goofing off so when I realized the time, I took off running to my service. There was a faceless man with me coming out of the truck. I dont recall who he was, but I think it was Holy Spirit. He was following me and was going to catch up with me at the service. I had to go get the thing started.

I got there just in time. The production people handed me the mic as I was walking down the steps of the ampitheatre. It was in a wooded area, and there was a big crowd there, but it wasnt a full house.

The funny thing is that there was another service going on right next to ours. In fact, I had to cut through it to get to where our ampitheatre was. For some reason, I remember this being Easter Sunday.

At our service, I said, “good morning” and got a small “good morning” back. I laughed and said, “that’s ok because we raise the dead here”. I heard laughter. Then, I went on to announce a couple of things and transition to worship as I headed for the stage.

I still cannot remember the man coming out of the truck with me. As I wrote this down, Holy Spirit is what came to mind. I really think that that is Who it was.

Really funny, He wasnt in a hurry to stay up with me as I made my way to the service. He would be there at the right time.