I drive up a wooded neighborhood to a house at the end of the street. It is night time. I think that Jack is with me, but I am not sure. He is younger than now. Dan Morrison (fraternity brother) greets us. I stick my head out the window and yell for Clark (my big brother at the frat). One other brother lives there as well. They invited us in.
Next I know, we were staying there. I remember us looking at the TV, and I saw coolers where they kept their food. It was behind the TV. I looked in and saw a sandwich and other stuff. There was also a woman there, whom I didnt recognize. But, she wasnt right, and I chased her out.
The property was awesome. The backyard had a pool and huge mountainous, sloping landscape. It was like the house was on top of the mountainside. I could see for a long way.
I walked around to the side of the house, and there were all of these bees. They got near Jack and me. We moved to get away, but a bunch landed on me. They were on my left side. I didnt know what to do. I was afraid of being stung. I knew them to be killer bees.
So, I was looking for smoke. And, I saw a campfire. I wanted to stand on top of it so that the smoke would rise up, but I was afraid of setting myself on fire.
I stood next to the fire.
I woke up.