I have concluded that God might be teaching me about dreams. These 2:30am dreams all seem to be demonic. God usually gives me dreams right before I wake up. Now, I have gotten others at different times, but I have seen that His are most often right before waking in the morning.
I believe that the devil gave me that dream about the killer bees to open me up to receiving fear. All day yesterday, I was battling fear. I could feel it strongly. I spoke with Faye about it twice. During the second call, I felt fear leaving me. I went running, and I confessed to the LORD.
As I was running, it occurred to me what was going on so I rejected the dream as demonic. I believe that to be right.
I no longer feel the fear.
Last night’s dream came right as I was waking up. Laura was having sex with another man. He had mounted her from behind. So, I pray against adultery, lust and the enemy’s luring her away. Also, Job talks about a man having his wife bent over by another for gazing at another man’s wife lustfully. So, I pray God to give me purity in sight that I may not ever lustfully look at another man’s wife. May the eye salve be applied to my eyes.
I told Jordan that I was looking for work in CO and may be out there soon. She just said that she wasnt going her senior year. I didnt offer up anything in response. The seed is planted. God can do what He wants with it.
I am really working to give Laura and Jordan and all else to the LORD to deal with. It is hard.
I am also really wanting to hear the LORD better. I want my vision to explode. Continuing to seek Him for that.