Water Filters

Easy Assembly

Putting the Just Water Ceramic Drip-Filter to use only requires two plastic, same-size containers with lids and a knife or some other tool that will cut a hole in plastic.

Ron said, “This is a two-bucket system, one mounted atop the other. The buckets or containers must be plastic, but they can be almost any size – two-gallon, five-gallon or ten-gallon. Size doesn’t really matter. My personal filter that I travel with all over the world is two, plastic, Folgers coffee cans.”

Assembly begins by cutting two holes: one in the bottom of the top bucket and one in the lid of the bottom bucket. The filter is then centered in the top bucket, with its stem going through the hole. That stem is threaded, so it can be secured with a wing nut.

The top bucket is then mounted atop the bottom bucket, with the filter stem going through the hole in the lid of the bottom bucket.

“When you put water in the top bucket,” Ron said, “it passes through the filter, into the hollow stem and drips into the bottom bucket.”


The Texas Baptist Men have enhanced their Just Water Ceramic Drip-Filter by also developing a pre-filter sock and a spigot. The sock, which fits over and protects the filter, can be secured with a rubber band. It’s used in areas with extremely turbid water that has contaminants such as fish scales or fecal matter. And the spigots provide a handy, easily installed faucet.

We also have available, as an option, buckets and a small hand pump to increase the through-put of the water by 5 times. Another option is a simple lid that can handle a hand pump.

Operating Instructions
Spigot Installation
a. Remove spigot from packaging. b. Insert spigot into spigot hole from the outside, using one washer. c. In the interior of the unit screw on wingnut.
Hand tighten. d. Turn spigot by hand, clockwise, one full
rotation (hand tighten only). e. Fill unit with water and check for leak. f. If leaking occurs repeat steps d and e.
Filter Installation
a. Remove filter from packaging. b. Wash filter with cold water and cloth or 3m scotchbrite pad c. Put washer on stem of filter. d. Insert filter stem through filter hole with filter
upright in the plastic reservoir. e. Tighten wing nut on filter stem. f. If leaking occurs repeat step e.
Filling Instructions
To retain a constant capacity always add the same amount of water to the filter sleeve that you will be dispensing from the reservoir.
Cleaning Instructions
Remove the filter and clean the filter sleeve and water reservoir (buckets) every two weeks with hot water and soap. Clean the filter with a soft tooth brush or 3m pad and cold water. (Never use hot water and soap on filter) Re-install filter and proceed as normal.
Flow Rate
It usually takes several days for the flow rate to increase to 1 gallon per hour. The flow rate will increase as the interior and mixed media becomes completely saturated. If flow rate is slow, clean filter and keep filter sleeve full.
Shelf Life
Once you start using the filter, the activated carbon is only good for 6 to 8 months. The anti-bacterial ceramic wall will work indefinitely. The media inside (such as the activated carbon) will pack over time. The filter needs to be shaken to unpack the media. The shelf life of the unit itself is indefinite. The only question is the carbon. Current figures say the unused carbon should have a shelf life between at least 2 to 3 years, if not much more. The sock has an indefinite shelf life. Replacement during use will depend on filthiness of the water source.