Kim Clement – word for outpouring of God's Spirit

Kim Clement: Watch the Mountains! There Will Be an Eruption of My Spirit as Never Before
by Kim Clement
Apr 8, 2011

Watch the Mountains

Prophesied on March 25, 2011 from Nashville, Tennessee:

The Spirit of God says, “There is going to be a constant praise going on, and it’s going to begin to erupt; and all over the world I shall restore the Tabernacle of David, where there shall be constant praise in the house of the Living God. On street corners – unusual eruptions. Watch the mountains,” says the Lord, “watch the mountains as they begin to erupt. You see, the earth is busy – from deep within; it has erupted from within. Now it’s going to go to the mountains,” says the Lord. “There will be minimal loss of lives, but the earth erupting represents an eruption of the Spirit of the Living God upon the nations of the earth!”

The Lord says, “Watch the mountains! They will erupt and smoke shall come from them, and the people will say, ‘Oh my God, it is the end!'” But God said, “It is the beginning, it is the beginning of labor pains, for something is about to be born. An eruption of My Spirit as never before, and I shall bring forth something that will reach every nation on the earth,” says the Lord. “Praise will erupt in the Middle East, and praise will erupt in Africa; praise will erupt in America; praise will erupt in Asia; praise will erupt in the islands of the sea. Praise will erupt in America! Praise will erupt in America! Praise will erupt in Africa! Praise will erupt in Africa! Praise will erupt in Asia!”

“Who is There That Will Allow Me to Reign?”
(Prophetic Song)

“Will someone tell Me why is it that I’ve come to the earth
To hear what they say about Me?
On the left they say one thing, on the right another thing
But why don’t they say, ‘The Lord will do it’?

“I’m listening to the sound of someone who will allow Me in
I want to walk the streets, highways, byways, prisons and palaces
Who is there that will allow Me to reign?
On the left, they cry about the famine in the land
And on the right they say it’s the left, and on the left they say it’s the right

“Is there someone that will come and call Me by name so I can reign?
Is there someone that will come and call Me by name? I will reign.
Is there someone that will come and call My name? And I will reign.”

Now the left, they say there’s got to be a reason for the famine in the land
On the right they say it’s the left, it’s the left, on the left they say it’s the right
But who is right and who is wrong?
God says, “I’m waiting for America to call out My Name
And if they do I’ll come and I’ll reign.”
Call on His Name.
I call on Your Name.

“I Will Reign if They Will Pray”
(Prophetic Song)

“I have looked upon the earth, I have listened to the mother’s cry
I have looked upon the earth, I’ve watched the mothers cry
I’ve watched the mothers cry
I’ve watched children cry as parents died before their eyes
I’ve watched the men; they say, ‘The God of the earth has gone away.’
I’ve stood and watched the sky fill with tears from Heaven on high
And angels cried as they watched the earth, angels cried as they watched the earth
They cried out, ‘Why are men so afraid?’

“Raise their hearts and say there is a way
And I will come if they will cry
And I will reign if they will pray
And I will reign if they will cry, if they will say
‘There is a God.’

“Then I will reign if they will pray
And I will reign if they will say to Me
‘Come to us, reign.’
Then I will reign in this place
And I will reign if they will pray

“I’m standing here; I’m watching them
If they will pray, I’ll come again
And I will reign if they will pray
And I will reign if they will call
I’ll come to them if they would call

“America, what happened to you?
There were those who would call My Name.”
God says, “If you would pray I’ll come to you
If you would call, I’ll raise you up
I’ll raise you up if you would call
I’ll listen now as you call to Me.”

The Enemy Has Said, “Let Us Focus on the Nations that are About to Erupt With the Glory of God”

The Spirit of God says, “I will come just for the sound of a thousand men. And I have taken women and I have raised them up to be the men. But far be it from Me to walk away, for I will gather them from all over this nation again, and I will raise them up to make a sound that will terrify and torment the powers of Hell that have come against this nation.”

The Spirit of God says, “Then I will take young men, young 16-year-olds, just like I did in the Middle East. They began to rebel against control; they began to rebel against religion. So in this nation,” God says, “I will take teenagers – young ones – and they will begin to rebel against the system. They will take to the streets. They will take to the highways and the byways and the back-street alleys. They will declare, ‘He is alive, He is alive, He is alive!'” Everybody say, “He is alive!”

The Spirit of God says, “There’s been a slothful spirit. There’s been a slothfulness in My House. People say, ‘This is an act of God.’ Jesus rebuked the wind, rebuked the storm. Jesus never rebuked anything that the Father did. There are demonic activities that are taking place all over the world. Why do they say it is I, the Lord? Why do they say it is Me? Why would they say it is the Lord?”

But God says, “I have watched as demonic principalities have stood over Japan, over China, over Korea, over New Zealand, over the Pacific, and they’ve said, ‘We must destroy the cities that have a potential to raise up a voice, that will destroy the princes of this hour.’ They have focused on these regions. These are demonic powers.” And God says, “They have said, ‘If we could just get the Church to agree that this is the Lord’s doing, we will succeed in belittling and destroying the morale of the people of the nations of the earth.'”

God says, “You have raised your ugly head again, and, lucifer, shall they look upon you and say, ‘Is this the one who caused the nations to tremble?’ Once again,” says the Lord, “I will display My excellent glory. Who, who is there that will say, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof’? Is there someone in this nation who will say, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof’? Is there someone in this nation who will say, ‘The Lord is alive and His resurrection power is upon us’?

“These strongholds,” says the Lord, “(Hear Me, O people) have said, ‘If we could get the agreement of the generals of this hour that this working is the work of God, we shall send confusion and division amongst the houses that have set themselves up to be houses of life and houses of spiritual righteousness.’ But alas, alas to them,” says the Lord. “There are prophets and apostles that have discerned the times and the seasons. It is not for Me to destroy that which I can raise up. It is not for Me to destroy that which I have planned for good. The enemy has said, ‘Let us focus on the nations that are about to erupt with the glory of God.'”

“Japan, Japan, You’re About to Erupt, and Christ Will be Your King”

“Japan, Japan, you’re about to erupt, and Christ will be your King. He will speak through your children. He shall come, and they shall praise, and they shall say, ‘Come, and let us go unto the house of the Lord.’ And I will raise up houses all throughout Japan that shall be houses of My Glory.”

God says, “They will go and they will eat with their sticks, but,” God says, “they will rise up and begin to say, ‘It is time to use our natural forces and our natural abilities in the spiritual realm right now.'” God says, “I will take those that have studied the arts; they have studied the art,” says the Lord, “of fighting.” And God said, “I will raise up some of these to be the greatest warriors of the earth. They will no longer be warriors that will fight with swords. They shall not be warriors that chop with their hands and break bones within a second. They shall be warriors of the Most High God. They shall rise up.”

And God said, “The young people of America shall see them as heroes. They’ve looked at all these movies, all these animated movies, and,” God said, “they’ve become heroes. But a new hero is about to arise from Asia,” says the Lord, “a hero that has the spiritual weapons of God. And this nation shall join hands with Asia and there shall be a massive revival that shall break throughout the earth,” says the Lord.

“I’m Raising Up a Generation of Young Men and Young Women”

I count it a privilege and an honor to prophesy. He’s really just giving forth life, breathing upon death. That’s the power that we have. All over the earth, God is gathering prophets; young are seeing visions already we don’t even know about…

“Your children, your children are dreaming dreams and having visions. Old men have given up, so I’ve transferred, for a season, dreams to young men and young women. And,” God says, “once again the weak shall say, ‘I am strong,’ the poor shall say, ‘I am rich.’

“There is no negotiation. The principalities of this time are looking to negotiate with the spiritual leaders: ‘We will give you riches, we will give you land, we will give you fame, we will give you power.’ But what is it that if a man gains the whole world and he loses his soul in the process? What if he gains the whole world and loses his soulmate in the process? For,” God says, “The enemy has come to kiss you. Yes, your enemy has come to kiss you,” says the Spirit of God, “as Judas came to kiss.” So the Lord God says, “The kiss is present; there’s a kiss present, the kiss of Judas is present. Yes, laugh at this prophet if you wish, but,” God said, “the kiss of Judas is so close. Just a handshake and we can negotiate. Just a kiss and it will be revealed.

“For,” God says, “this deceit has come and it has said, ‘We will take the greatest and the strongest of men, and we will negotiate, and we will kiss them.’ For even as the young men who have no understanding received the kiss of a strange woman and were taken to the chamber of death, so many of My men have been taken to the chamber of death,” says the Spirit of God, “because they received the kiss. I speak not of adultery, I speak of the kiss that has taken them and seduced them into a whole new world where they have said, ‘We must attain riches and we must water down this Gospel of the Kingdom.'”

And God said, “But yet there are young men and women that have said, ‘Enough of this. We are going to stand up for the right, and we’re going to stand up for the Christ and that which He has said.’ For if He was prepared to lay down His life, and if He could walk into Jerusalem, and He could say to His disciples, ‘I will go into Jerusalem and they shall take Me, they shall scourge Me, they will spit upon Me, they shall kill Me,’ and,” God says, “then He said, ‘But three days later, I will rise again.’

“If Jesus could do this for us, how much more shall we do it? I’m raising up a generation of young men and women that will say, ‘I will not love my life unto death. I have a testimony.’ And this testimony will cause the powers of Hell to fall down at their feet and begin to worship God and they will say, ‘We will not be satisfied until we worship Jesus. We will not be satisfied until the powers of Hell fall down and they worship at His feet.’ Shout to the Lord, for this is about to happen,” says the Lord.

There is a Mountain of Destiny

The Spirit of God says, “One more thing.”

Lift your hands up, everybody. All of you watching me from all over, please listen to me. One more thing this night, as the prophet speaks from Tennessee. May it be known to you that floods have come your way, flooded out your malls. The earth has brought storms and rain. It has brought the shaking of the earth, and it has brought fire. And throughout a certain region, there’s been an eruption.

Now the Spirit of the Lord says, “Do you understand that what is going to happen in America in this next year will cause people to write it down and say it was an historical event? ‘We saw a mountain erupting, then we saw another one.'” And God said, “At that point in time, you will know that you’ve reached the mountain of destiny. You’ll know that the eruption of spiritual vitality and life has begun.” And God says, “Then you will no longer walk, but you will run; and your run shall be a fast and a swift run and you will celebrate, shouting, ‘Victory!’ as you run,” says the Spirit of the Lord.

The Restoration of America

I see a president that shall come, and this is not to speak bad about this one. There is a president who will come. And God says, “He will have absolutely no fear – absolutely no fear. He will be decisive, he will make decisions. And then in the middle of the restoration of America – rapidly because of a source of energy that shall come quickly, and because of medical breakthroughs, and because of agreements between nations (specifically China),” God said, “They shall say, ‘We never dreamed this would happen. They said that this in Japan would never happen.'”

God says, “Listen to Me. As the beginning of the restoration, as it begins, there shall be a woman that shall rise up – a woman that shall be strong in faith; virtuous. Beautiful in eyes – her eyes shall be so beautiful. Her eyes shall be round and big. I have crowned her,” says the Lord, “as I crowned Esther. And the people shall receive her. She shall have the oil of gladness for the pain and the mourning that has taken place, and she shall pour out the oil.” (Is there some oil here, please?) “She shall pour out the oil on this nation, and,” God says, “healing shall begin and then it shall flow rapidly. Schools will be free from potential damage and danger, shootings and murder, drug addiction. Cartels shall be afraid of a woman – a woman anointed by God; a woman set aside.”

And God says, “They will say, ‘We hated her, but now we love her.’ For she shall take the oil of healing and she shall pour it upon the scars of those left and those right and of the new party that has come forth and emerged, where they shall say, ‘Christ will reign and we shall not implement socialism at all,’ where they have said, ‘We will make history without God.’ No, you will not. No, you will not,” says the Lord. “For I chose this nation before it was founded; before anybody came here, I chose this entire nation – all fifty states, every one of them, to send My Gospel to the entire earth. Do you think I have changed My mind? Therefore, the healing that is necessary for this nation shall come at a time in the middle of the presidency.

“There shall be a woman that shall come, and,” God said, “there shall be oil that shall be poured upon the nation, and they shall suddenly feel the healing, and they shall say, ‘It is well with my soul, it is well with our soul.’ For the soul of America has been corrupted; the soul of this nation has been corrupted with bitterness and anger.” And God said, “She shall say, ‘No more bitterness, no more anger, no more division,’ and she’ll pour the oil that shall come from the Spirit of the Lord Himself.”

If you as a nation believe, if you as a nation want this, lift your voice and shout one more time and say Yes! Yes to Esther! Yes to Esther! Yes to Esther!

Signs in the Sky, Land, Mountains and Sea

Prophesied on March 26, 2011 from Nashville, Tennessee:

“Do you want to hear the voice of God? For it is coming to you and it is coming to the nations. My voice will come throughout the earth. The skies – signs will be sent to you. Signs will be sent to you,” says the Lord. “Mark the words of the prophet. Signs will be sent to you in 2011 – it’s just begun. These are signs of things that are about to appear. I shall send signs in the sky, signs in the land, signs in the mountains, signs in the sea. They are releasing what is locked in the earth, what is locked in the sea.

“I am releasing from the earth resources for My people to prosper, for My people to rise up and declare My righteousness, for My people to create instruments – instruments that shall praise Me; for My people to be raised up and to be rich.” For God says, “I take pleasure in the prosperity of My servants. I am sending signs. Some men shall fear. Their hearts shall fail them. They shall say, ‘Where can we run?’ There is no place to run.”

You’ve got to run to the Rock, you’ve got to run to the Rock (repeats several times). You’ve got to run to the Rock (repeats); they’re going to run to the Rock (repeat).

“This generation, hear the word of the Lord
You’re going to run to the Rock, you’re going to run to the Rock.”

God says, “Are you ready? I’m going to take your young ones and they’re going to
Run to the Rock, they’re going to run to the Rock.

“I’m going to take them from the streets, I’m going to take them from the prison,
They’re going to run to the Rock, they’re going to run to the Rock.

“I’m going to shake them, loose them, raise them up
I’m going to shake them, loose them, raise them up
They’re going to run to the Rock; they’re going to run to the Rock.

“Young and old shall stand together
West and east shall take hands
I will make My name known in the music and the praise
They’re going to run to the Rock, they’re going to run to the Rock

“In Africa, America, in Asia, in China
They’re going to run to the Rock, they’re going to run to the Rock

“I’m going to take the druggie, I’m going to take the prostitute
I’m going to put them together
They’re going to run to the Rock (4X)

“I’m going to take the politician
I’m going to take the religious leader
I’m going to show them who I AM
Display My power from the Rock of Ages,” says the Spirit of God
“They’re going to run to the Rock”

“People of all ages are going to say, ‘What is going on, what’s happening to these young people?’ They will say, ‘Who are these that have come to turn the world upside down?’ They will hear about the miracles coming from the streets; they don’t have to go behind the church world to know that Jesus is the Lord, He is Lord of all. And they will say: ‘Let us run to the rock!’

“They they will say, ‘Who are these people? Just like Elijah, they have no mother or father.’ Without a mother or father, I, the Lord, will take them in. And they will say, ‘Who are these people? The rock and roll prophets of the west! Prophets of the east!’

“From the north to the south, to the east to the west
They’re going to say, ‘Let’s go to the rock!’
They’re going to run to the rock!”

“For Just One Cry From a Righteous, I Turn My Ear to Listen”

“Do not say, ‘He cannot do it.’ Do not say, ‘He cannot do it.’ Do not say, ‘The time has come to an end; there are no more revivals, there are no more souls to be saved.’ Do not say, ‘The Lord has given up on the holy ones on the earth.’ For just one cry from a righteous and I turn My ear to listen to what they say. If one can chase a thousand and two can chase ten thousand, how many can three chase?” says the Holy One. “If one can chase a thousand and two can chase ten thousand, how many can three chase right now?”

For God says, “Get ready! Do not say! I said to Jeremiah, ‘Do not say I am a youth, I cannot speak.’ For at the time when they were worshiping Christ, many of the religious rulers came and said, ‘Stop Your disciples, for they worship You.’ And Jesus said, ‘If they don’t praise Me then the rocks are going to cry out My Name.'” God says, “If they don’t praise Me, then the rocks are going to cry out My Name.”

Ain’t no rock gonna cry out His Name!
Ain’t no rock gonna cry out His Name!
Cause I’m there to praise Him
I’m there to lift Him up
I’m there to dance before the Lord, just like David
I’m there to pray three times a day
I’m there to praise seven times a day
I’m there seven times a day
I’m there to pray three times a day
No rock is gonna cry out in my place

“Therefore,” the Spirit of God says, “as you have gathered together in this holy nation – yes, this nation am I making holy – decisions shall be made and men will begin to say, ‘We are tired of the blood of the righteous on our hands.'” For the Spirit of God says, “Even as your fathers have slain the prophets, so you have slain the prophets. You did not slay them when they were born; you slew them when they were yet unborn, and a prophetic generation was almost stopped by your legislation of abortion.”

And God says, “Prophets died before they could say My Name. And Jeremiah said, ‘I am young; I am a youth.’ They did not even have a chance to speak His word; they were stopped in the womb. But satan did not manage to kill them all. Do you remember when Abimelech killed the sons of Jerubbaal? He killed all of them but one; one survived.” And the Spirit of God says, “Some have survived the onslaught of abortion.

“Now,” God said, “those that survived shall stand as Jotham did on Mount Gerizim when he began to prophesy against the people of Abimelech that stood to destroy the work of God.” God said, “You thought you won a battle, a battle against the prophets. But watch these young ones arise and make declaration and bring tens of thousands, and millions, into the Kingdom of God as they run, run, run with a sign,” says the Lord.

“Mercy, Mercy, Goodness Unto Your Land”
(Prophetic Song)

“I have not brought you to a mountain, thunders
I brought you to Mt. Zion
I have not brought you to a mountain, judgment, death

“Moses said, ‘I am afraid
I’ll run away, I’ll run away’
Oh Lord, do You really want me to run away? (2x)

“Moses, only you could come to Me
You are the meekest man under

“Moses said, ‘What of Your people, what of the ones You raised up?
What of Joshua and Caleb?’
Do you really want them to run away?

“Moses, one day I’ll raise up a little boy to build a mountain
For Me to live upon
One day I’ll find a man after My heart
One day I’ll find a man that will love Me
And then I’ll build a holy mountain where everyone can come

“Mercy will reign, goodness he’ll proclaim
And like a child he will sing, like a child he will sing
The mountain of Zion

“One day I’ll find a boy,
He’ll become a man, but he’ll always be a little boy in his praise
And he’ll build a little mountain called Zion
And place a city there
And then I’ll take Zion and place the chief cornerstone

“My son, He’ll come from Zion
He’ll come from Zion
And He will shout, ‘There is mercy, mercy that endures forever!
His mercy endures, His mercy endures forever
God’s mercy endures, His mercy endures forever’

“Then I’ll raise up My Son
I’ll bring the people there to the city of the Lord
Jesus, Mediator to the Blood of sprinkling that speaks
of better things than that of Abel

“They’ll cry, ‘Mercy, mercy, goodness unto the Lord’
They’ll cry, ‘Mercy, mercy, goodness unto the Lord (Repeats several times)
My salvation, salvation, goodness unto the Lord’

“America, I cry mercy, mercy, goodness unto the Lord
Salvation, salvation, goodness unto the Lord

“America,” God says, “from this mountain
I’ll cry mercy, mercy, goodness unto your land
Mercy, mercy, goodness unto your land
To this nation, I cry mercy, mercy, goodness unto this land
I cry salvation, salvation, goodness unto the Lord

“Mercy, mercy, goodness unto this land
Deliverance, deliverance, deliverance unto this land
Mercy and goodness unto this land
Mercy, deliverance and healing to this land (Repeats several times)
Salvation, salvation and healing to this land
Restoration, restoration to this land
Restoration, healing, deliverance to this land (repeats)

“America, mercy! America, salvation! America, deliverance!
America, restoration!
America, to your youth, to your children –
Mercy, mercy, goodness to your children!
Deliverance, deliverance, goodness to your children!

“Pray Nashville! Pray America! Pray China! Pray Japan! Pray Korea! Pray Africa! Pray islands of the sea! Pray Middle East! Pray, pray, pray tonight!”

“I Will Bring This Force, This Ruling Power, to Nothing”

A foreboding darkness, a foreboding darkness that has covered the land begins to tremble at the sound of the Spirit. The dead bones are coming to life. A great and mighty army is coming from the nation. But I see you, covered with your red spots as if you were the propitiation for mankind’s sins. You liar! You are not the Christ and you shall be exposed. Down with you, Beast of the East – for your young men and women from the East, the Middle East, shall rise up and declare Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua!


Allah, pack your bags and get out of town
Allah, pack your bags and get out of town

I know it’s loud, but bear with me. I’m caught up in the Spirit right now and catching glimpses of things…

I see an angel, but it is not an angel of God. It is covered with red spots. It is a garment that shall be seen in the future. They shall wear this garment; there shall be red, big red buttons, in order to capture our children. This has been sent by the rulers of the darkness of the Middle East, endeavoring to lure them into a new religion. It comes out of Islam. But Islam shall be at war with this one, and they shall drag away many of the young people. This is a false prophet. This one will only last for so long.

“Then,” the Spirit of God says, “the power of the Blood of My Son shall speak. A generation shall say, ‘No more, no more!’ And this luring force shall topple, and there shall be tens to hundreds of thousands, then millions of young ones who will say, ‘Where do we go? We cannot go back to Allah. This one has let us down; where do we go?’ And My people shall open their hands, and they shall open their arms, and a massive move of the Spirit shall take place.

“Art, music, politicians, sportsmen shall be united together and shall make declaration. And there shall be a move of the Spirit so strong. And they shall shout from the south, east, north, west – ‘Yeshua, and no other!’ And I,” says the Lord, “will bring this force, this ruling power, to nothing,” says the Spirit of God.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Kim Clement’s Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry’s discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

April 9, 2011 (6pm PDT)
The Den
Join Kim online for a special live broadcast.

April 12, 2011 (6pm PDT)
From the Matrix – Online Bible Study
Every Tuesday night with Kim

April 14, 2011 (6pm PDT)
Special Broadcast
Every Thursday night with Kim

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