deliverance steps

1) determine if person is having a demonic manifestation

if so, submit the demons in the name of Jesus

2) if a person goes unconcious, bring them back

3) ask them “do you want to be free?”

4) present plan of salvation if they are not already saved

5) discover areas where the enemy has been given legal rights due to sin, unforgiveness, the occult, etc.

Holy Spirit must lead this. Pray and let Him bring it to mind.

Deal with all three areas: body, soul and spirit.

Body: immorality, premarital sex, abortion, etc.

Soul: unforgiveness, vows, word curses, traumatic events

Spirit: occult, false idols, false religions

Ask person for the areas that they are not having an abundant life for clues as to where to investigate.

Ask, “If Jesus appeared and said that He could remove one thing/event from your life, what would it                 be?”

Ask, “what do you want the Lord to do for you today?”

6) Repent, forgive, renounce and deal with thing that caused wound, bondage, stronghold or oppression.

Cancel the enemy’s legal right.

When forgiveness is at issue, immediately renounce all emotions tied to that (anger, fear, rejection, etc.)

Bless offending person

Make sure to break off word curses and vows.

Break off the lies! Ask person what lies that they believed because of this event. Get them to confess it             and renounce it.

“God is like my father” is a very common and big lie.

If occult, renounce each act that the Holy Spirit brings to mind. Same for soul ties, porn, etc.

7) In the name of Jesus, you break off all yokes.

If forgiveness, break yoke of emotions (fear, anger, resentment, etc.)

Break yokes of whatever they just renounced.

This is canceling the enemy’s rights. Isaiah 58:6

8) Cast out all spirits by section covered.

“In the name of Jesus, I command the demons that have access because of these events to go.

Listen closely to the Spirit.

When He brings nothing else to mind, cast out all demons. If there is a manifestation, go back and                     investigate more. Something could have been missed. Submit, discover, etc.

9) Give thanks to God.

All glory and honor is His.

Pray for infilling and fullness of the Holy Spirit

Have them praise God (if resistance, there could still be remnants so go back to discovery). check the                 eyes.

Team lead should seal it all in the name of Jesus.