I sent this out today. Comments include responses:
I am wrestling with some stuff and need your counsel. We have been taking Jordan through some Christian family counseling. Good stuff, but its ankle deep in the spirit. It is really helping Jordan learn to cope with her emotions. The root still needs to be dealt with (my opinion). We continue to fight depression. Jordan’s behavior is a bit out of control in many areas. Laura and I have had to take away or reduce Jordan’s use of stuff like her phone, the computer, etc. Jordan absolutely loses control of her emotions when this happens. She sent 12,000 texts again this past month, so we told her 1,000 or it is turned off. We have been working hard on choices and consequences – Love and Logic for you parents. I have the phone turn off at 11pm. We have had two meltdowns because its not midnight.
Anyway, yesterday Jordan had a meltdown. There is a great deal of manipulation in it. After about 3 hours, Jordan finally spoke to me. I asked her if she understood that she is responsible for her behavior. She said yes. She said that she cannot control it and doesnt want to have it going on. She says that we are not doing anything to help. Her words are mixed with lies, pain and desire to get her own way. She is not walking close to the LORD at all. There is great pain in her heart that needs to be healed. I want it so much for her.
My issue is that I do not know whether to take her to see a guy that has a pretty strong deliverance ministry. Laura is lukewarm to the idea. We are not 100% aligned with this, but I want to make sure that I am walking the right path. Laura thinks that we are doing the right stuff and that time will work this out. I think that we need to take Jordan to see Phillip to get her delivered and get some inner healing done. We need to get to the root rather than dancing around symptoms. Then, we can work with her existing counselor who is more practical to work through coping skills.
I want to have the right mix of spiritual and practical attention in this matter. Is my prayer and the prayer of the saints sufficient? Is Laura correct in that we are working this out correctly? I dont want to go into intense deliverance stuff, if God has a different idea in mind.
God has told me a thousand times to keep my eyes on Him in this matter. He said that He will heal her. I am trying to work through what He meant.
My question is, “do I take her to see Phillip?” Laura pushes back but is not in disagreement. She said that if I want to take Jordan, she is fine with it. But, she tends toward the practical and not the supernatural. I am the opposite. Together, we seem to form the right perspective. I feel that we are not doing enough on the supernatural end. Perhaps, I am impatient with the matter and not letting things work out or the waiting on the LORD to do what He will. Perhaps, this uneasiness is fuel to get me to act.
Please pray and ask the LORD. Share what you get. I am seeking counsel on this before I decide what to do.