Fast 3/3 Passover

Never was able to speak with I have no other good job prospects to speak of. I did get a call over a week ago from a company that Big Machines pointed me to. I had taken their assessment tests, and they said no. Me thinks that it was a no from the beginning and that they were helping out their other company. Maybe, I am wrong. If not, there was deception all along. Who knows? My phone isnt working right so I never saw the voice message until yesterday.

Have seen a lot of leads on the website work. Thank You, God.

Jordan remains very difficult. God will break through for her. Revelation is coming forth. I call her into her identity and purpose. I declare her destiny fulfilled. I loose the overwhelming love of the Father upon her and the mind of Christ be hers. Glory Jesus!

My bible study these days is really limited to Isaiah 49. The LORD pointed me there, and I read it most every day. It is the word of the LORD for my family.

We really need breakthrough.