LETTER to Laura:
You know, the LORD told me when Jordan was in the hospital that Unity and Humility were keys for us to gain victory. When I look at the last months, it seems that neither of us has really tried to work from that place. I cant say that I have. I think a lot about Andy’s message yesterday, and it was convicting. And I know that I have room for improvement in honoring you. I try very much to love you and often think of the verse in 1 Peter. I dont want my prayers hindered. I see how offense takes me off center. I see how unforgiveness and judgment can really mess a person up. I see how the devil tries to break unity and cause division. And, I think that I now see how God operates in a marriage and causes a great need for interdependency between husband and wife. We must work together.
I hope that this revelation will help us gain victory with all that is going on and launch us out of here.
1) You are anointed by God. And, that anointing shows up with great wisdom and a bent to the practical.
2) I am anointed by God. And, that anointing shows up with great power and faith and the supernatural.
Our bent is to want the other person to be more like us. Humility says that, “I dont carry all of the goods, and God has placed a measure of Himself on the other person.” It is very important to our success, if not critical that we recognize and honor the anointing of Holy Spirit on the other. To me, that means that when I move out to pray healing over someone, when I talk about demonic and how to get out of that or whatever in the Spirit, you would recognize and honor that. When you ask me why I pray for others and come against that, you are coming against the very anointing of God on me. This is a direct attack against my identity in who God has made me and who He calls me to be. The antichrist spirit is the one who comes against the anointing of God on a person.
Now, the opposite is true too. God has blessed you with great wisdom and understanding on how to deal with the practical things of life. For me to fail to recognize that and when it is in operation is to grieve the Holy Spirit. In both circumstances, we sin, and we remove God from being fully present. There are probably a million other examples of how I have failed to recognize this in you. Again, it is wrong of me to fail to recognize Holy Spirit’s work – even for practical matters. God gave His Spirit and anointing on those dudes in the old testament just to bang gold and silver into shapes for the temple. That’s about as practical as it gets.
I believe that God will give us both wisdom, discernment, understanding and knowledge in a matter – spiritual or physical. But, the anointing remains bigger on one for one side and vice versa. So, when we deal with something, it is important to recognize the nature of the issue (spiritual or physical), talk and pray through the matter and then come to an answer.
My suggestion is that we lean in the direction of the person who is anointed greatest in the respective area. But, we always pray and talk through an issue. If there is no unity, we must keep talking and praying until we get to the answer. This requires humility and unity – our key. It requires mutual submission. No one is the dictator.
The tendency is going to be to want the other person to come to our comfort zone and anointing completely, whether we recognize it or not. I do not think that the answer will be there in almost all circumstances. And, it will be uncomfortable to lean in the other person’s direction.
But, one of us will have a greater anointing for the matter and mutual submission says that we recognize Holy Spirit in operation. Again, this requires us to submit to each other and to God.
That seems like the right answer to me.
I am sorry for not honoring Holy Spirit’s work in your life and how He operates on you. I repent of that now. I pray for discernment for both of us to recognize God at work in the other and a humility to yield to Him in that way.
I love you.