We are at the beach. Bless God. It is a much needed vacation. I think that it has been a couple of years since our family had any downtime anywhere substantial.
Navarre Beach, FL is where we are. It’s kind of secluded between Pensacola and Destin and is an island off of the coast. It’s really more like a key than an island.
Jordan is showing the rash from last year. We had her on the meds to reduce the fluid buildup in her body, and this rash started up. It had actually started before the meds just a tiny bit. But, this past week saw it kick off. It’s torment.
I rebuked it last night. Laura and i prayed for Jordan, and I actually felt the presence of God. It was a strong anointing that lasted after I prayed. Something has shifted. But, she continues to itch.
Laura is concerned. Quite frankly, I am tired of going through this, and I do not know where this path leads. Jordan went into the hospital on Father’s day last year. That is a week from today. The devil is a liar. He cannot have Jordan, and she will fulfill her destiny and purpose. I decree the matter now and have for a long time.
Enough is enough. God, deliver us from this evil.
Let heaven’s will be done right here right now on earth.
In the name of Jesus. Amen