Spiritual Discipline

What does spiritual discipline look like?

I have lost some of the radical nature that I once had. My fasts were without compromise. My love for the truth – unwaivering – no matter who the person was. Was that good? Does the softening of one’s heart also soften such discipline? Was I not really disciplined to begin with but rather religious?

God, put in me the fire to be zealous and radical for You.

I want and call for resurrection power.

I want and call forth the revelator’s anointing.

I want and call forth healings of all kinds.

What do I change, God?


  1. Fasting 1X per week
  2. 3 days water only, no coffee
  3. 7 days water only, no coffee
  4. 21 days, juice and/or smoothie
  5. 40 days, juice and/or smoothie
Unless Holy Spirit says otherwise.
  1. Bible – 8 chapters in the am
  2. 2 chapters in the pm
  1. Pray in the spirit
  2. Pray in my self
  3. Always