elevate29 Services

God is on this. Jim Thompson emailed me a bunch of questions yesterday, and it really seems like he is going to do this work with me. Yea! God had said to set e29 aside but not to kill it. It looks like it is coming back to life. Two things have come to my mind: the services story and the sandbox. “A Different Kind of Sandbox” is a book to write on how to do marketing and sales in a startup.

Here are the services:

elevate29 top line blue print

I.      1 Year Marketing Plan (Lay the Foundation)

Basic Marketing Analysis
Target Market
Market Size
Basic Customer Analysis
Basic Product Definition (services, pricing)
Overview on Revenue Goal (high-level rev goal by product)
“One” Goal Metric Development (for area of consideration, what is the ONE goal?)
Assumption Documentation
Internet Marketing Budget
Flat Rate Service
II.     3 Year Strategic Plan
Formal Marketing Plan
Flat Rate/Hourly Service
III.    Revenue Generation (must have #1 completed at a minimum)
Hired Gun Sales
Partner/Channel Development
Retainer + Rev Share Service
IV.   Ongoing Mentorship
Oversight and Accountability
Plan Metric Tracking
Plan Refinement
Hire the replacement
Retainer or Hourly Service
V. Hourly Consulting
Areas of Excellence (The Sandbox)
I. Identity (Who are you? or What is your SANDBOX?)
Company (what are your values, why do you exist)
Brand (know and be known)
Customers (who should they be? where are they? how do they buy?)
Competitors (you have to be different or you will be commoditized)
Product/Services (value is king)
Sweet Spot Targeting and Segmentation (what is your sandbox? how big is it? how much of it do you really play in?)
Goal: Develop clear understanding of who company is, what it provides to the market in terms of value that is unique and how that should be priced.
II. Communications (How you gonna to tell people about it? How do you tell others that you have a SANDBOX?)
Engagement Terms
Goal: Create a communications strategy so that target market can easily understand who company is, what it offers and how that will change their lives (value chain). Secondarily, how will company achieve top-of-mind in and outside the industry.
III. Sales Channels & Revenue Generation (How you gonna get paid for it? How do you get others to play in YOUR SANDBOX?)
Goal: Define the right types and number of channels and create sales momentum in each.