leviathan exposed in our marriage

Lord, we love You. We bless You. I pray that these words will be from You and ring true. I stand against the work of the enemy and put a hedge of protection around Laura as she reads this and brings it to You. Show us both how You see this LORD. We bless Your Name. In Christ, amen.


(rewrite again – in Word this time (and pasted in email) after 6th crash – ha the devil doesn’t like this)

The last several weeks, I have come into your house in a great place, personally (for the most part) and with the LORD (definitely). My spirit would be up. As soon as I get there, the day crashes. I leave feeling very distant from God and not really wanting to be reconciled with you. Mostly, the only time we have together is on this day. 

The LORD spoke to me tonight. What we are experiencing is pure evil. The enemy is against us. All the things we are dealing with (Jordan’s stuff, guitar hero, etc.) are factoring into this. I know that there is much to deal with in our marriage, but we are up against an attack that needs victory so that we can openly approach the natural stuff and the pending counseling. I believe that we have impending victory over this in time for us to meet with Deborah. I had gotten that there was an antichrist spirit against us. Things are coming into clarity now. 
Something you said today really helped. I know that you believe that I don’t listen to you. I certainly didn’t in the past. So, I understand why you feel that I don’t want to listen to you. You want your voice to be heard, and the enemy keeps telling you that I will not listen to you – never have, never will. The truth is that I so desire to listen to you. When you gave me “patience” and James 1:4 last week, it breathed life into me. It brought me up out of the pit. It was awesome! On my side, you have spoken death into me, discouraged me, told me how you don’t believe in me, etc. so that I don’t want to open my heart to what you have to say for fear that you are going to hurt me again. This makes it really hard for your voice to be heard, huh. There is quite a strategy unfolding in this. 

I believe that the enemy has been working this into us for years and years. I believe this to be a key part of the strategy to destroy our marriage. You have landed a couple of times on me “listening you”. I know where I land. There is something to this. 
The LORD had recently shown me Leviathan. I thought that it was just for Daystar (I had to prophetically talk to Johnny) because I have seen this spirit operating in the church (not just that one, but all churches that I am in contact with, including NPCC). This is what happened that day that I talked to you when Mike Teston walked into Atlanta Bread when I was trying to help that lady find a job. It is also what happened at our meeting with CDC, and I actually heard the voice of the LORD tell me “leviathan”. I saw it again with that couple that I was investigating helping but it went all crazy. God was showing me this thing for a reason. Again, I thought it was the church, but its OUR marriage. This thing is working on us! This spirit is a direct manifestation of satan. It is often called accuser of the bretheren – same as satan (see below with Todd Bentley’s article). I know that there is something going on in other places, but I believe the LORD was showing it to me tonight so that we could identify it in our relationship and join together to pray against it. 

The truth is that we cannot defeat this one on our own. It is a principality. God Himself is the One who fights this. We must pray. But, our unity in prayer against this specifically must produce something, right?  
Please take a look at the stuff below, and take it to the LORD. If you find that this rings true in your spirit, then I want to come over and pray with you. We need to be one in the natural and spirit to ask God to defeat this devil for us. He will, mind you. Where two or more come together and ask for anything, they get it. 

I am tired of this. I am tired of coming to your place and walking away ready to quit. I am tired of saying things that I don’t want to say and hearing things that I don’t want to hear. I am tired of not being able to touch you. I am tired fo us each being alone. I am tired of not hearing you say that you love me or me being afraid to say it for fear of your response. I am tired of not holding you. I am tired of this separation. I am tired of what the enemy is doing to us and our children.  
Laura, I love you and want to be with you. I want victory and unity with my wife. I want us out there doing what God purposed US to do.  

I know that it is dark, but the darkness cannot stand the light. I want to join with you to blast the crap out of this darkness. Our joined light is so much brighter than separated. We need to be together. We must do this together. Separate is not good. For God’s name sake and for us, I want victory. I keep prophesying and declaring that we WILL be victorious. He said it to me last June, and it WILL come to pass. God’s Word NEVER returns void.