Jesus the healer came to heal everything that is not well.
john 17 – restore the glory
heb 1:1 – how has God been speaking to us?
There is a very thin veil separating natural from supernatural
we are here to haer God and bring it to a dying world that may not know Him
the issue is that we don’t hear God
ways God speaks
1) impressions mark2:8 divine knowledge is imprinted on your heart by HS
gut – something just isn’t right, you can just feel it
body – feel impression here – this is word of knowledge, feeling of pain or something in you body
2) Voices of God – commonly thru small voice of God 1 kings 19:11-13
hear as a thought in your spirit, its ok to pursue those thoughts, find out!
hear voice in inner spirit – most folks hear here
outer voice
3) smells – can smell presence of God as well as demons, bad stuff psalm 45:8 – he says cinnamon, vanilla – pay attention to bad smells, do something, WAR!, God is telling you something
4) visions – mental pictures
open visions rom 1:11
open eye suyperimpose pic
closed visio snapshot
5) divine revelation – instant download by the HS to your spirit. It is like a flsh of light thru which you instantly know the scripture and its meaning luke 24:31
6) dreams
14 folks had dreams in bible
7) trance – state you enter to have an experience
suprnatural anesthetic acts 9
8) anhelic visitation heb 13:2
9) Holy Spirit flashback psalm 77:11 God brings back memory of past healing to lead you to heal someone else in the present moment
10) visitation of the Lord – very common, acts 9:4-6 rev 1:12-18
11) translated in spirit – out of body experience, 2 kings 5:26 2 kings 6:8-13 your spirit leaves but your body stays where you are