Bob Hazlett Prophesies over Me

Word given to me at Bridgeway at their Prophetic Conference.

I heard the LORD say, “I am going to use you to help people get physically and spiritually strong” and also, I feel that God’s going to … I saw like a healing gift in you but it’s connected with nutrition like natural things. There’s a three-stranded cord of healing. It’s supernatural,, natural and even medicinal and that God’s going to use you to have a heart to help people to overcome difficulties in their life.

And, I feel that the area of supernatural healing is really going to increase in your life in a new way. O, but God doesnt want you to limit it to just that.

I feel that even God is going to use you as a person that helps people to overcome habitual things in their life like people that would normally have to walk through a twelve step program; you are going to walk them through a one-step program into freedom. And, it’s going to bring freedom to their hearts, to their lives, to their marriages. And, I feel that there’s going to be a gift on your life, a grace to break off bondages of chemical addictions, emotional addictions and mental addictions that people have in their life.

And, I see you with a key in your hand. It’s a key marked, “freedom”. And, it unlocks handcuffs for people and brings them into a new place of freedom so that they can be what they are called to be in God.

And, I felt like there were some people who kinda wanted to confine you to an area. There’s a calling on your life, and this is the way that it has to express itself. But, I feel like God says it doesnt have … Ministry expressions arent limited to the four walls of the church. But, you’re going to be one that’s going to be like a minister of the gospel that will be able to step in the church and out of the church.

And, also, there’s some people that kinda felt like people wanted you to follow in their footsteps. But, God wants you to know that you are going to follow in the footsteps of your Heavenly Father. Just like Jesus, they wanted Him to follow the footsteps of His earthly father. “I am going to honor that, but I am going to follow the footsteps of My Heavenly Father.”

And, one of the things that you are going to do is mentor and train young men to walk in the footsteps of the Heavenly Father and even some that have not had a natural relationship with their father are going to be drawn to you. And, I see you being like a spiritual father, a surrogate father, a big brother to them and raising up a generation that defeats that orphan spirit.

So, I just bless him in the name of Jesus. God, I thank You right now, God.

I saw boxing gloves on your hands. And, I hear the LORD saying, “I am going to make you and ultimate fighter in the spirit. I am going to make you an ultimate fighter in the spirit.”

I see you drop-kick the devil through the goal posts of life. I felt like there are some things that you used to battle against in the spirit that used to try to get you down and get you down for the count. Even like twice the enemy thought he had you down. But, I saw you pop right back up. And, I hear the LORD saying, “a righteous man falls seven times, and he gets right back up.”

It’s only been a couple for you. You dont have to fall again. Because to Him who is able to keep you from falling will present you before His glorious presence.

I see you get back up and now you are like a kickboxer.

You have got weapons all over you that you dont even know. And, I see you take the enemy out, but when you take him out, you start to free people and turn them into ultimate fighters. Because you are not going to be an ultimate fighter, youre going to raise up ultimate fighters. You are going to train ulimtate fighters.

So, God I thank You for that in Jesus name.