The LORD showed me a car with the four of us driving around Colorado. The car was red. An eagle swooped down and picked us up and set us down in Estes Park.
I see us building a church there. It’s vision I often get for apostles. There is the one room, old-timey, white church with a steeple. It’s on a hill overlooking Estes Park, in the Spring. All four of us are building the church.
Laura and I are very much happy and in love.
My mind keeps coming back to the Dream Giver where Ordinary calls out the giant in the Name of the Dream Giver, and he is defeated. My prayer for healing is just that. And, it brings great honor to God. For only He can give us the power.
I see many people lined up to come into our church. They are bandaged and broken coming in but shiny and new going out.
I see the blood of Christ spilling into the mountain streams and bringing life to the towns below.