I see the angels up on the hillside above Boulder valley. They have been collecting the healing waters from the throne into a huge vat that sits on a wooden stand. In the vat, endless wholeness is stored. The angels tip over the vat, and the waters rush down the sides of the valley to the people below.
I hear screeching and wailing as the oppressors flee to get away from the waters, for surely they will drown.
I hear great rejoicing and laughter and cries and tears of joy as disease is washed away. I see new eyeballs flowing down in the waters. There are arms and legs and other limbs. There is new skin for burns. There is cleansing of cancer and aids and other nasty demons. There is purity in this water. One drink, and life comes about.
I see the angels hovering over people pouring water out of silver ladels. They drench the sick and oppressed. Life springs back.
I see broken marriages being made well. Drug addictions are broken off. Deaf ears open up. Life comes back.
I see the dead rise up. Those that the devil tried to take early come back to breath. And, they carry great fire under their feet to spread the Gospel.
“My wave is coming. My wave is coming. I shall pour out the waters of My Spirit upon My people, and they will be healed. For, I am the LORD who heals thee.”