Todd Bentley
Confronting The Spirit Of Python
Todd Bentley
Part 1 of 3
The last few weeks the Holy Spirit has led me to expose the spirit of python in the church today. In this article I want to explain how this spirit works. What does it looks like? How do you overcome its power, which could be affecting many churches, whole regions and individual believers?
I have had several visions of this spirit. One in which I saw a woman wrapped from her waist up by a large python. The head of the python was up by her head and whispering in her ear. The snake was constricting, squeezing and choking the life of God out of her and weighing her down and making it very difficult for her to be free and rise in the Lord’s presence. I believe that this spirit is at work in the church today, suffocating the life and fire of God like a blanket and quenching the Holy Spirit in our lives and churches.
On another occasion I saw the spirit of infirmity as a large snake squeezing a man’s back and lungs. The Holy Spirit told me to break the power that the spirit of religion and control had on people, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Many people were healed of chronic pain and many back and lung conditions. There are many times when we cast out demons and do deliverance or healing ministry and many individuals hiss and contort on the floor like snakes. I asked the Lord “Why?” I believe that after reading this teaching we will understand why the Holy Spirit has lead me to study and write a brief article on this spirit.
In this article we will look at the history of the ancient city Delphi and the Greek god Apollo, said to be the son of Zeus. We want to understand the spiritual influence of the python and where it came from. In this first part of my teaching I want to establish some historical fact and biblical foundation. “Who is python?” “Where is it in the bible?” I will then move more deeply into the teaching on how to overcome this spiritual stronghold. I hope that you are ready for some deep stuff! (smile)
In this article we will also talk about spiritual apathy, depression, control and other manifestations of this demon. Some of you will find yourselves or church in this article. I want to do three things in this teaching.
1. Expose the spirit: What is the python spirit?
2. How does it attack and gain entry?
3. How do we overcome this demonic power?
Spirit of Python
The first place that we see this spirit of python and that term is in the book of Acts.
Acts 16:16-19 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities.
In this passage of scripture the spirit of divination is literally translated spirit of python in the Greek.
Divination 4436 Puthon (poo’- thone) * >From putho (the name of the region where Delphi, the seat of the famous oracle, was located) a python, i.e. (by analogy, with the supposed diviner there) inspiration (soothsaying) or witchcraft.
What is Divination? (Div-i-na’shun)
Divination, the art of obtaining secret knowledge, especially of the future, is a pagan counterpart of prophecy. Careful comparisons of scripture will reveal that inspirational divination is by demonic power, whereas genuine prophecy is by the Spirit of God. The biblical attitude toward divination is distinctly hostile. In Deut 18: 10-12, the prophet of Jehovah is contrasted with diviners of all sorts and is set forth as the only authorized medium of supernatural revelation. (Unger’s Bible Dictionary)
Numbers 22:7 And the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed with the rewards of divination in their hand.
Divination (Heb) 7081 qecem (keh’-sem) * >From 7080; a lot: also divination, divine sentence, or witchcraft. Root word 7080 qacam (kaw-sam) A primitive root; properly, to distribute, i.e. determine by magical scroll; by implication, to divine: KJV—divine (-r, -ation) prudent, soothsayer, use {divination}
Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or the useth divination, or an observer of the times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
Enchanter 5172 nachash (naw-khash’) A primitive root; properly, to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; generally, to prognosticate.
This spirit of python is the inspiration (source) of witchcraft and divination. To understand the working of this spirit let us look at the famous oracle of Apollo in the ancient city of Delphi. I believe that in this region where Paul ministered, Acts 16:16, in the heavens and the spiritual climate stilled ruled a spiritual stronghold and influence of python.
Just like when Paul preached in Ephesus, there still was a spiritual battle with the
UN-known gods and the goddess Diana (Acts 19:34-41). It was there that a riot broke out against Paul because of their worship of Artemis the Greek goddess, sister to Apollo. What happened in this city with the possessed slave girl was a natural picture and manifestation of the ruling spirit in the region that went back thousands of years. Lets look at some of the spiritual history surrounding this region to understand this spirit of python.
The Famous Oracle (History of Delphi)
In Greek mythology, Python was a serpent that dwelt in the caves of Mount Parnassus and was slain by the Greek god Apollo, who then founded the sacred oracle at DELPHI or took it over from Python’s guardianship.
The Pagan Oracle of Delphi was located about 75 NW of Athens on the Corinthian Sea 5 miles inland and 10 miles south of Mount Parnassos’ (Parnassus) summit. There on the sharp, Parnassus Mountain cliffs, at nearly 1900 feet above the Corinthian Gulf, where the sacred spring, Castalia flows into the Cephissus River, two spectacular crags form a ledge.
the Pagan temple of Apollo was located. Steps at one corner reached the lower level of the Temple and it is said that intoxicating fumes rose from a cleft in the floor near the center of the chamber, which were believed to be the smell from the decaying Python, which Apollo is said to have killed. It was on Parnassus that the sacred Stone of Rhea landed when Cronus disgorged it.
Centuries before the birth of Christ devout pilgrims made the arduous trek to Delphi to ask for advice from the famous Oracle. City-states made generous contributions, some even establishing treasuries on the site. For more than six centuries, until the Christian emperor Arcadius in 398 CE destroyed the shrine, Delphi truly shaped the history of the world.
Tradition has it that Delphi was found by Coretas, a shepherd boy, who discovered that his sheep and goats acted strangely when they approached the area and he himself soon began uttering prophetic statements which came true. However, the priestesses of Daphoene gave oracle at Delphi during Cretan times, which were at least 200 years and possibly 400 years before Apollo. The shepherd, Coretas, obviously did not discover the sight, but rather he uncovered the secret to the priestesses of the Serpent Oracles of Mother goddess who presided there. Christian sources assert that the priestess at Delphi (Pythoness) was intoxicated by fumes escaping from the underground cavern and that she spoke gibberish which had to be interpreted by the priest; and further that the questions had to be formed so as to receive a “yes” or “no” answer.
Pythoness – (priestess) any woman supposed to be possessed of the spirit of prophecy; a witch; familiar spirit.
Pythonism – divination, diving, augury, soothsaying, fortune telling, crystal gazing, astrology, or and sorcery.
People came from all over the world to receive direction and revelation. The priestess (pythian) would breath in these fumes that came up from the ground which some even called the “prophetic spirit of Apollo” to receive their secret knowledge. Woman priestesses would be possessed much like a medium today and some say that without control and even in a trance state, speak. The people truly believed that the god Apollo spoke through the Oracle, merely using her vocal cords to express his wishes and advice. Witchcraft (divination) was founded on python worship. This snake was worshipped for thousands of years before Apollo established his famous oracle and temple and was the very symbol of this region.
One other interesting note about the Greek god Apollo which we know is a demon that expressed itself as many other strongholds in ancient mythology, was also known of as the god of healing diseases. I find it very interesting that even today the natural symbol of medical healing is a serpent and even in Numbers 21 when sickness strikes the Israelites, it comes with serpents and when God instructs Moses about the remedy it is a bronze serpent on a pole. Even though in ancient Egypt and still places today the most commonly worshipped snake is a cobra. I know there is a connection to infirmity and the spirit of Python.
I believe that this spirit of python has found its strength today in a generation that is hungry and looking for the supernatural in fortune-tellers, physics, tarot cards readers, Harry Potter movies, new-age-movement, witchcraft, crystals, satanic music, mediums on TV, false religions, TM mediators and more.
There is even a mixture in the church today like in King Saul’s day. When there is no word of the Lord or prophetic vision in the land and we need direction, we sometimes turn to a false source of revelation like King Saul and call the physic hotlines or allow our children to watch Harry Potter or pokemon movies. Maybe we do a little Yoga or still read the horoscopes, there are many forms of witchcraft and Christian control, manipulation and rebellion in the church today.
1 Samuel 15:23 (AMP)
For rebellion is of the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim
Spirit Of Python Part 2 of 3
I took the first part of this teaching to discuss “Who is the spirit of python?” I wanted to establish a biblical foundation and talk about where this spirit came from and where it was in the bible.
In this article I want to share more details about how this spirit operates and what we can do to overcome its power. I believe that the spirit of python works with the spirit of Jezebel. We know that Jezebel not only uses witchcraft, but also promotes and sets a platform for the false prophets of Baal and witchcraft in the land. I believe that this spirit serves the agenda of Jezebel and is the source of all-demonic divination and witchcraft. People today are deceived by the increase of the supernatural and some would say, “What is wrong with a psychic or a medium?” People would say, “Todd what about the proven track record of many psychics and how they have even helped solve police crimes and bring hope to ones whom have lost a loved one?” I believe that many psychics and those who practice various forms of divination may be true in many of their predications and even accurate in their prophetic readings. Even in Acts 16 the possessed girl spoke the truth about Paul.
Acts 16:17
“This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, ‘These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.'”
But look at what God says in
Deuteronomy 18:10 “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or the useth divination, or an observer of the times, or an enchanter, or a witch.”
God alone is the source of all prophecy and revelation. It was not so much what the slave girl said that was wrong but the spirit in which she spoke.
Deuteronomy 18:11-14 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. God has established himself the true source of revelation.”
Python History
I believe to better understand how this python spirit attacks believers and the church today; we need to understand some physical facts about this snake before I bring it into a more spiritual understanding.
Python – A genus of very large, nonpoisonous snakes of Burma, Indo-China, India, Mexico, Asia, Africa, the tropics and beyond. These snakes are known to crush their prey to death and kill by suffocation.
There are several different types of pythons and some of these larger pythons are often confused with the boas. Its various species are found throughout the tropics of the world. Some have been reported to be 30 feet or more and 200 – 250 in pounds. Adults are typically between 15 and 20 feet long. However different geographic individuals have different lengths, some as small as 10 or 12 feet, and others, which will grow to over 20 feet. Adult retics are very large powerful snakes. It is not uncommon to see a python that is over 20 feet to weigh 200-250 pounds. A typical 15-foot python will weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.
Killing of the prey happens by constriction and suffocation. When a python has you in it’s grip each time you breath the grip tightens with each breath. Some have said the death process is slow, and when a python has you in its grip the only way to kill it is by cutting off its head.
When the python attacks, one or more coils of the body are thrown around the victim, following up the stroke of the head, and the powerful body muscles apply pressure. The pressure exerted by a large python must be terrific. The prey is killed, however, by suffocation rather than by any actual crushing of the ribs.
In the Hellenistic belief, a python was a spirit, which possessed certain persons and prophesied unknown to them through their mouths like a ventriloquist without control of the body. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
In the literal Greek and Hebrew translations a serpent is:
Serpent: 5175 from 5172; a snake from its hiss, a serpent; a hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; gen. To prognosticate; certainly, divine, enchanter, enchantment, learn by experience, indeed, diligently observe.
How A Python Attacks
This spirit wants to keep you from doing what God wants you to do. This is achieved best by the strategy of spiritual apathy. Python wants to quench through suffocation the life and breathe of God from your lungs and crush your hopes, faith, visions and dreams.
Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (Become lazy and complacent)
If the devil can crush your hopes, faith, visions and dreams than you will not have the fire you need to “press on to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” The devil wants to get your drive, motivation and fight. This is achieved in many different ways. One in which the devil will whisper in your ears lies, accusations, condemnation, fear and unbelief.
Like that vision I saw of a woman wrapped from her waist up by a large python, the head of the python was up by her head and whispering in her ear, the snake was constricting, squeezing and choking the life of God out of her and weighing her down and making it very difficult for her to be free and rise in the Lord’s presence. In Psalm 74:14 it talks about cutting the heads of the sea serpents and feeding it to the people in the wilderness. I believe that if we don’t cut off the head, the speech center and authority of python (words), than we to will come under the spirit of apathy and despair closely linked to depression and the spirit of heaviness. The devil always attacks us with words like in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3 the great question. “Has God indeed said?” The devil is always casting doubt and suspicion on God’s word, and if we listen long enough we to will be deceived of our inheritance lose heart and give up.
Spirit of Python and Drugs
I have also found the work of control on several occasions when dealing with those bound with addictions, particularly smoking or drugs, that a spirit of python binds them. Especially those who have used the hallucinate drugs, like LSD (acid) or magic mushrooms and PCP also called angel dust. During the oracle at Delphi formerly (pytho) the priestess would even use a leaf called the laurel leaves a mildly poisonous plant taking in small amounts that produced prophetic hallucinations at the place of the oracle. This would be true in the scripture as well for the root word for medicines, pharmaceutical is found in sorcery (witchcraft).
Sorceries in the Greek is translated pharmakeia ( far-mak-eye-ah) Strong’s 5331 compare, “pharmacy and pharmacist”
Generally described as the use of medicine, drugs, or spells. Later the word was used of poisoning, and then of sorcery, accompanied by drugs, incantations, charms, and magic. We have seen this spirit at work in those who have received treatment for healing by pursuing the ancient arts of magic or different divination to alleviate pain.
Many times when casting out the demons of addiction it is necessary to break the spirit of python controlling them. At times when we have cast out spirits of addictions, we have had to break the power of python, especially when the spirits manifest and come out with choking and gagging, some even feel a constriction or tightness in the chest and feel like they are being choked. Even when I received deliverance on one occasion from the spirit of sorcery because of my involvement in drugs, especially with hallucinate drugs like LSD (acid) or magic mushrooms and PCP also called angel dust, I was bound by a spirit of death and manifested the spirit of python. The last demon to be cast out of me was death.
Vision of Apathy
I recently saw a vision of the spirit of apathy in North Dakota. In this vision I saw large smog like cloud. It was like being in Chicago, New York City or some major metropolitan city. I saw a lingering dark cloud of pollution hanging on to the horizon just above the skyline. The Lord said that was the spirit of heaviness in. Isaiah 61:3
It was like a spiritual cap in the spirit realm so God’s people could only climb so high in the spirit. It manifests with a sluggish weight during worship and weighed heavy on the countenance of the people in the meeting. I saw hopelessness and despair in their eyes. Python attacks in this way, squeezing the life, breath and joy of the Lord from our lives. It was even difficult to feel the Lord’s presence and I felt like I had to continually challenge the people to be hungry for God and that God could use them regardless of what they have been through. Imagine in the natural carrying around a 200-pound snake on your shoulders and how that would weigh you down and make you sluggish. One of the devils number one attacks is hopelessness, despair, discouragement and depression; it weighs you down and makes us tired. When I asked God about the vision and where it came from I saw the spirit of python.
Recently in a meeting in New Jersey I saw a woman who came into the service, who had been in the worship ministry some 27 years, was healed of a tumor in her leg. But better than that, I had a vision of a demon, like a monkey sitting on her right shoulder. The Lord said, “Get that monkey of her back.” You know the expression of someone carrying a burden around like a constant monkey of grief and regrets. This spirit was whispering in her ear all kinds of lies, torments, accusations, condemnation, depression, and despair. After I cast the demon out, not only was she set free from the depression and she was also filled with the Joy of the Lord. I also said to her that in the past when she had gotten up in the morning and would look out the window, even if it was sunny it was grey to her, her worldview was grey. I told her prophetically that tomorrow it will be sunny in the spirit and in the natural and that there will also be another natural sign of her healing and deliverance, a singing bird in the tree to greet her outside her home in the morning. To the woman’s amazement the next morning, not only did she wake up feeling the weight and burden lifted, but she also saw a bird in a nest outside her window signing! She would receive a fresh anointing for the song of the Lord!
Python and God’s Promise
Recently I was also ministering in San Jose, California and I saw a vision of a spirit in the region. I asked the Lord how it was manifesting, and he told me it was choking and had a tight grip on peoples hearts, a sense of grief, crushing and squeezing the life of God, faith, vision and hope out of the prophetic promises given to us from the Lord.
In the hearts of the people were discouragement and spiritual apathy because hope deferred had made the heartsick and a sense of defeat and impossibility had set in the hearts of the people concerning, taking the land. The spirit was the power of python’s influence in the region weighing heavy upon the hearts of the people.
At that time the Holy Spirit showed me out of the book of Numbers 13 when the 12 spies were sent in to spy out the land of promise, they returned with a bad report because of the giants in the land.
Numbers 13:32 “And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.”
Numbers 13:22 “And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were. Their hearts had melted at the giants of Anak in the land.”
And they said;
Numbers 13:28 “Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there.”
They also said
Numbers 13:33 “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”
Even though God had promised in
Numbers 13:2 “Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel.”
It was a done deal God promised, but because of their perspective of the situation and the way it looked in the natural. Fear and discouragements gripped their heart and they got into unbelief at Gods promise and did not enter into the prophetic promise. Just like us today, we have several prophetic promises and we fail to enter because of discouragement and our perspective of our circumstances. This is the way the spirit of python crushes our faith, vision, hope and dreams. Through discouragements he causes depression, a sense of hopelessness and despair. Depression and the spirit of heaviness brings infirmity, defeat and sickness.
Proverbs 29:18 “Where my people have no vision, they perish or become lazy and complacent is the word here.”
Spiritual apathy is no fight or drive to possess the promises of God.
Remember that the strategy of the spirit of python is to crush and suffocate the fire and life of God, using constriction and squeezing hope out of our hearts. Python wants to choke out the promise through strangling, using the power of hopelessness and discouragement.
The very Hebrew translation of the word Anak for the giants in the land is: To choke as with strangulation using a necklace.
Sometime we come to such a place in the warfare associated with this spirit, and its slow death process, and constant feeling of weighing down. We want to commit suicide to end the pain.
Spirit of Infirmity and Death
Part 3 of 3
The spirit of python is also closely linked to the spirit of infirmity and death. Remember in the first article and how in ancient mythology the Greek god Apollo was the god of healing disease. I established earlier a close link in some countries even to this day, where the python or cobra is looked to for healing. We see this spirit at work in those who have received treatment for healing by pursuing the ancient arts of magic and divination to alleviate pain. When a python has you in its grip, its intent is death and it can be a slow process.
I also find this spirit of python at work when dealing with individuals that have come from a controlling or out from under a religious relationship, or background where witchcraft and manipulation were used. I also see this spirit at work in those who have been plagued with a lifetime of infirmity or frequent bizarre and freak accidents (sometimes frequent car wrecks) or near drowning, traumatic situations. Some even come under attack at night with choking manifestations around their throat. This is the work of the spirit of death and python. I also find this spirit at work, quite often in those who return from the mission field after ministry and they encountered a lot of resistance and witchcraft. Sometimes individuals find themselves drained of all their strength and weakened spiritually and physically from dealing with this spirit especially after overseas ministry and the spirit of divination at work in those countries is so strong. Many find themselves and homes battling with infirmities or even bizarre accidents after overseas ministry.
Word Curses
Many times recently I have received words of knowledge to pray for pastor’s wives or those battling, with fatigue or sickness in their body after returning from the mission field, or even keeping them from the ministry God has called them to. Some battle with fibromyalgia or chronic pain and fatigue. Many times it has been the spirit of python at times released by those in the church, even other woman speaking death words and curses behind her back, slander, judgments and critiscm. They say in America today, that pastor’s wives suffer one of the most stressful jobs.
We can control atmospheres or peoples lives with the words and intimidation that come out of our mouths or even our presence. It is like divination. I remember being around those at times who carried intimidation, manipulation, and even those strong in the spirit. There would come off of them a sense of control and I found myself afraid and quenched with fear in their presence. This isn’t just witchcraft but the spirit of python, I would be robbed of the very life of God and afraid to say anything that would challenges the authority, I just felt shut down in their presence.
Proverbs 18:21
“For life and death are in the power of the tongue.”
After we broke the power of the death words and rebuked the spirit and affect of python and fear over the lives of those who had been dominated and even abused by fear and control, they were set free, and the pastor’s wives were released to fulfill Gods call.
Python in Mexico
One time recently as I ministered in Mexico after a successful night of meetings, I was attacked in the spirit in my hotel room by witchcraft. I felt the presence of the spirit of divination as a person, like a woman trying to enter my room. (Maybe astro-projection or something) The Lord told me it was the witches in my meeting that night in Mexico releasing curses against me. The Lord had me share this experience the next night and publicly rebuke the spirit of witchcraft and people would be set free. At the end of the night as I prayed and said, “In the name of Jesus spirit of divination go.” Just then 11 demon possessed people fell to the floor in their seats and had to be carried to the front. By the time it was over some 20 people had demons cast out and most were on the floor manifesting like snakes and hissing. Some of those who were set free were known to practice witchcraft and were saved.
There is also a strong link in scripture to physical infirmities and depression. Remember the second vision I had of the spirit of python where I saw the spirit of infirmity as a large python squeezing a man’s back and lungs. The Holy Spirit told me to break the power that the spirit of religion and control has had on people, emotionally, spiritually and physically and he was healed, as were many others.
Remember one of the strategies of this spirit is to discourage, trodden down, which opens the door to depression and depression infirmity and sickness. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in
Isaiah 61:3
“Appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called Trees of righteousness.”
Proverbs 4:23
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”
Your heart is the seat of your emotions. What the bible is saying is that with all diligence we need to protect and our mind, will and emotions because it is the seat for everything that happens in our lives.
The devil does not just want to harm your body, but wants to break your spirit through the work of depression. It says in
Proverbs 14:30 “A sound or tranquil heart is life to the body. (A heart at peace or rest)”
We need to have a sound heart, and be full of the peace of God that surpasses understanding. Satan wants to disturb the peace in our hearts through anxiety, personal destruction, financial problems, strife in the home, gossip, co-workers, words of condemnation, lies, discouragement and unbelief, crushing our hopes, faith, vision and dreams.
Proverbs 29:18
“Where there is no vision the people perish.”
They become lazy and complacent just like spiritual apathy. He wants to disrupt the tranquility and soundness of our heart in any way that he can, because there is a connection between our hearts and sickness. The heart that is not joyful and sound, which means at peace or rest, is a broken spirit. When your spirit is broken, it is open for the enemy’s attack with sickness or disease.
Proverbs 15:13,15 “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” “All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.”
Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.”
Proverbs 17:22
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. We can see that Depression is connected to all kinds of infirmity and sickness.”
How This Spirit Works
I find this spirit at work today in the church in many different ways.
1. As a Christian, some of you have even innocently given your self to any kind of divination and control or witchcraft. Maybe you have called a physic or read your horoscopes, we need to repent of all involvement in any form of divination or sorcery.
2. Before you were saved you may have been involved in one or many various forms of divination and you still haven’t renounced the power connected to all witchcraft specifically.
3. Generational witchcraft in your family, someone close to you or even in your home may be involved in or searching for answers in divination.
4. Ask the Lord if there is any witchcraft or divination directed at you, especially if you have come under attack since the mission field and break its power in spiritual warfare.
5. If you believe in any way that you are battling with the spirit of python, be sure to repent of any legal hold or lies you believed. We give this spirit power at times through legal right and open doors in our lives and ministry.