More fasting stuff

Last night, I had a date with Mike. We went to go see a movie. Now, the LORD told me again to break my fast. I had popcorn with him. Then, when the movie was over, Mike wanted to grab a beer with me. I took him over to the Sushi place on 29th stree mall. As we were walking up the street, it occurred to me that I should not have a glass of wine. So, I didnt. Was this a test? I dont know, but I had some good shushi and hope that the lesson that He taught me is now ingrained in my heart.

Also, we went back to offer on Mazzini. I believe that a big part of this entire house buying ordeal has been for the LORD to teach Laura and I how to work together. It has been awesome. We have learned more about all the work that He has done in us. Our hearts are good towards each other, and I do hope that we have made Him proud. I just sense that this was a bigger deal than the house itself. I expect to see the owner’s heart now move in our direction.