This has been a great visit. Although my heart continues to feel God’s refinement, I believe that He has poured out blessings in great manner upon the ladies.
My mom got stuck in Boulder last weekend. That prompted us to take a walk in the shops on Pearl Mall and have lunch. We ended up in an art store where mom found a picture of Estes that she really liked. The LORD prompted me to get it for her. She cried when she got it yesterday.
Friday, Laura and I went shopping for her Christmas/birthday present. While at the mall, Jordan calls and says that she is stuck at school. Our plans were disrupted. I told Laura that I thought the LORD might be positioning us to go up near Cumming to find her present. Well, He was. She responded that Joshua was a jeweler up in Vickery that she knew. We found her necklace there, and it is perfect
Then, I took Jordan to Verizon, and we found the “perfect” phone. The LORD is lavishing the women.
And, He is teaching me that great things come to Him who waits and trusts the LORD with all his heart. It looked like adversity, but much came out. Bless God