A new season

There is so much going on. Two days ago, I got laid off.

Richard Honey picked up on it in the spirit and told me two days beforehand. 30% of the company got laid off. So, onward I go.

Laura is really bummed. I hate it for her. She really deserves a new beginning in her own house. LORD, please grant the desire of her heart.

I believe that I am to head down to Austin. I talked to Charles Robinson yesterday. He invited me to come. Last night, I pulled up behind a car with a Texas license plate. Naturally, it had a rim around it that said Austin. My spirit jumped.

Then, Edna took a peek  online at Austin’s city website, and at the top on the left was “3-1-1”. What in the world?

I believe it to be Papa’s will for me to travel there. I dont think that I am coming back, but we shall soon see.

The journey continues. Bless God.