A new soul for the Kingdom

I had a meeting today with a guy (Tyler Hutchinson) who is helping Scott Carver do our blog and my freeradikals stuff. We were hanging at Starbucks talking when Tyler had to go to the bathroom.

While he was gone, a young kid skateboarded by. He had a splint on his wrist, so I decided to go pray for him.

Well, his hand got all tingly and then cold. He felt the stuff happening in his hand, and I told him that the LORD was healing him. I asked him if he knew Jesus. He said that he did, but he didnt. I asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus as LORD and Savior. He said yes.

So, we prayed together, and the Spirit was all over me. I knew this boy was coming home. He felt tingly too.

I told him to tell all evil spirits to go, and he did. I then prayed for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Ha, one for the King. Yes, devil, that is one for the King.

Bless Nick today, Father.
Thank You!