Amazing Day

The God I knew was like a stone god sitting in the rain forest that you had to climb through much, snakes and bush to get to. Then, at his feet, you had to bow down and make all kinds of chanting noises. That’s the picture I see this morning.

The God is know is Father. He is perfect love. He sees no sin in me. He loves me with no conditions. He is grace.

That word just keeps coming up. Even after I left Bridgeway yesterday, I saw it a few times all over the place. God is moving me into a new revelation of Himself.

When I woke up yesterday, I had stiffness in my lower back. By the time worship started, I had a lot of pain in my kidneys. I prayed, “devil go, and if it’s You LORD, do more”. Ha, I didnt know what was going on.

It stopped when worship ended, which was about an hour later. It had started on my right side and moved to my left – the excruciating part did. I had to sit down for worship.

Then, when service was over, I went up to the front to say hi to Peter. But, he was talking to someone, so I sat in a chair in the front. A lady came up to me and said, “do I know you? You look familiar”. Oh the LORD is so funny. That is His little game with me to tell me that a person is supposed to talk with me. She asked if she could pray for me, and I told her yes.

So, we sat down. She grabbed my hands and said something about opening my heart to the LORD and that He was going to take away all of the pain.

Then, she got quiet. She started crying, but she never said anything.

I was gone. I cannot say where, but I was gone. I was in another dimension.

And, I dont know how long we were like this. I remember her putting her hand on my back. We just sat there. Maybe it lasted 15-20 minutes.

I heard, “it is finished”, and I opened my eyes. Diane said that she had never experienced anything like that. I told her that it was the same for me.

It was amazing whatever happened.

I prayed for a lady with Type 1 Diabetes. She said that she was overwhelmed. She was crying. I told her that I wanted the report. And, I prayed for a boy with a hurt wrist. He said it hurt no more. And, I prayed impartation for his friend. Her name was Kevin. Interesting. Well, the fire was all over her. Her only comment was, “whoa”.

Then, I went into the healing rooms training.

Chris Gore did a message (via DVD) on grace. Yes! There it is again. And, it was amazing. He even started talking about fasting. Oh boy, this was day one of a three-day fast. I was immediately convicted of my views of God.

I have been walking under the law in many areas. Grace is freedom, and it is love.

I need a greater revelation of grace and of Jesus.

LORD, please bring this to me. Please God!

Today, I start anew. I dont know how I am going to work with the LORD every morning. No more “gotta pray this much or read that much or whatever”. I just want to be with my Papa.

Teach me to walk in grace, Father.

I love You.