The trip to Atlanta was great. The LORD was totally in it.
I was there Tuesday – Thursday.
Chris had asked me to baptize him months ago. He wanted to come out here, and then I thought maybe we would do it in Israel.
But, we decided to do it in ATL before we went and prayed for his mom. So, on Tuesday, we went over to the river and looked around for a spot. We settled on a place and got on our knees and Chris’ dad and I prayed over Chris.
As Chris and I stood out in the river, I looked over and noticed two girls watching. I baptized Chris, and as I did, they cheered. It was cool.
So, we got out and dried out. As we we were walking up the trail, I told Chris that they wanted to hug him so we needed to go their way. They did.
But, as we found out, they were eating lunch in Roswell, and the LORD told them to get up and go to the river and pray. They were praying as we were doing the baptism thing. They were as amazed as we were. So, we chatted and prayed for each other. God is great.
On Weds (Yom Kippur), we went over and prayed for Teri against that S4 Cancer. It was interesting because I was fighting fever that am when I flew out and again all night before going to Teri’s. The devil was not happy with things. That excites me because he knew something was going to happen.
We spent most of the day with her. It was great to be able to minister to her and Paul (her husband) about some thing as well as go after that cancer. I felt the fire fall as I prayed. It was awesome.
Today, we wait for the results. Paul, Teri and Chris have great faith that God has this covered.
I am expecting