Author: John Stein
Dream Class and Rocket
I have had two sets of dreams in last couple of weeks. I dreamed i was in a college university about to take my finals. Most eveyrone had already taken theirs and left. Today I dreamed of being in a classroom again. I also dreamed
Drean | Flooding Basement
I dreamed that I was checking out a leak in the basement, and it turned out that there was a gusher happening. Water was pouring in and running like a river and out. I heard that it had been kept without damage to get me
Dream | Alligators
I dreamed I worked at some place. It was nighttime. There were canals and bridges where you walked around the grounds. I knew there were tons of alligators around. At night, you could shine a light and their eyes would glow. Barbie’s book has two
Fast Day 17
I might be learning something. Fasting is about sacrifice. I would suggest that biblical fasting involves food. It’s not abstinence from social media. That said, I have tried to only do juice. Well, that is tearing up my stomach. Where is God in that? I
Fast Day 14
Fast has been ok. I ate crackers the last few nights cause my stomach was so messed up from broth or juice. Nothing has really happened since the dreams. We are in a battle with our finances. Everyone of the four deals we had this
Fast 10 of 40
Our deals so far this year seem to be struggling. 4 made. 4 fell apart. The deal with James Williams is resurrecting. Thank God! We took a time out Saturday night and ate pizza and drank wine. Back at it now. No new revelation or
Fast Day 5 Dream
I dreamed that Jack and I were taking off in a Lear Jet. He was the pilot. I was copilot. It seemed like we were taking off from Atlanta. There were all kinds of trees we were flying through as we were rising above the
Fast Day 3
Our church is great. I just love the people there. Good group. Small. Wont be for long Jen and I have blown up twice in two days on this fast. Not sure if it’s the devil. Seems that way. Hearts need healing. I asked the
Fast Day 1 of 40
And, so we begin. Day one of the fast. Juice, diet coke, water… no calories except from fruit. A little protein powder. Had a dream last night. I was pulling up the an Exxon gas station. X on. Christ on. We are on. We pulled
A New Day
It is 2025. And, it is a new day. We are and have turned a page. While I feel the same physically, spiritually and emotionally, it is not the same. I am back in the saddle. My God is before me. The 40 day fast