Ben Ben shows 11 o’clock. It’s time for a change. The full moon rises over head. I see and hear Spitfires roaring towards Germany. The antichrist is rising up, but flames come out of their mouths. They spit fire. God is a consuming fire.
The LORD watches over His children. No weapon formed against them shall prosper.
This life shall be full of hardship. There is trial. There are casualties. But, My love never fails. Watch as I perform My word over your life. Be strong. God says, “be strong!” Be courageous. Take courage. Run when called. Walk when resting.
I see America cave in on itself. The collapse is like a giant sinkhole. The heart of America grows feeble and faint, and soon, she shall implode. For, the serpent shall crumble and be trampled under foot. Lots and lots of people will fall into this collapse.
But, a new nation shall arise. For God renews His mercies every morning. And, when His people who are called by His name humble themselves… He is going to heal our land. Prosperity shall return, and the glory shall bring forth a new day.
The angels are already making preparation for the reconstruction. By 2016, a new nation – one reborn will come forth. For you cannot get to heaven without being reborn. America shall soon see the glory of the LORD.
Rebirth is coming. Rebirth is coming. Hey! All God’s people! For the LORD is our right arm. He shall bring it to pass, and His name shall be made great.