My letter to Jen and Vicki Finney. We are nearing the red sea.
Hey Jen (and Vicki),
Here is our cash flow for next six weeks. You can see that with the line of credit active, we have funds through mid august with no deals.
But, Alicia’s deal is incorporated into the budget. You can see that on 8/12, we go down below 16.8k. Well, 11k is in that, which is her deal, so without it, we drop to 5k on 8/10 and negative on 8/12. The check to me on 8/12 covers our zillow ad budget that is on my card right now. We owe $24k on that at the moment, and this pays off the July amount in full, which is how we run it each month.
This means we have time to get something under contract but need our close dates to be before 8/10, if Alicia’s deal falls apart.
That means we have about 15 days to get a contract with 30 day close.
If we dont, then I will start planning to liquidate gold and silver. All I know to do. It seems that debt is amassing quickly.
We are the head and not the tail. We are above and not below. We shall lend and not borrow.
We need breakthrough.
1. We need Alicia’s deal to happen.
2. We need other contracts.
3. We need Jordan’s deal to come back.
We have lost two deals in the last week with one sitting on the balance. A curse without a cause cannot alight.
Thank You, LORD!
God ALWAYS comes through for us. We have seen it so many times.
Vicki, if you guys get anything on this, please let us know. I heard you on the fear holding us back. I dont know what that means – not that there isn’t something going on. We step out on faith to advertise and everything else we do, believing fully that we are following the LORD to the best we know how. We live on the edge. If God doesn’t show up, we are in deep doo doo. That has been our MO since we started. If there is something we need to do, change or whatever, we are there.
Just not sure what else to do.
But, stand.
John Stein
License #FA100106164
Black Canyon Homes | REAL Broker, LLC