Things completely blew up at work. Isaiah lost it when I called formica about a job. It seems that the LORD had something else in mind. I know God told me to call them.
So, now I either lose my job or commit a year to Paragon. After talking to Rich and Teri and Jen, it seems that committing a year is the way to go. God isnt done with my assignment in Isaiah yet.
Rich said he still needs me. In praying with Teriu, she asked the LORD if the assignment were over. I saw “NO” flash before my eyee.s She heard no as well.
The bigger lesson in this is that Isaiah cannot be my friend. It is not right for him to hear things about me and my walk with God. He has no grid for understanding. I telieve this to be a hard lesson in what to say or not say to a king.
It has to be strategic and from teh LORD.
Transparency into my life isnt what God is lookng for me to give.
Secondly, there is a difference between committing to someone and being in covenant with God.
I wont disobey the LORD for any man. I do not worship man. Part of me feels that this is what Isaiah is asking.
Im not going to do that. He saved Messach and the boys, and He can save me. Fear of provision isnt reason to disobey God.