Boulder is Freed from its Shackle

I see a giant shackle that holds the valley in bondage being broken. A mighty hammer hits the lock and breaks the chains.

Thousands come out. They gather around the valley on its rim. They peer back into it and yell to the the many who are froze, still believing to be in captivity. Many will see and fear. Many will see and fear. Many will see and fear.

In one instant, the LORD will swing the hammer, and many will see and fear.

The moment is approaching, maybe even now. There is coming a time, even now, when the LORD will show His right arm, yes even the strength of His righteous who have remained in His shadows. They will soon be seen by the multitudes and astonishment will be on their faces and conviction in their hearts.

The wave comes from the west.

The wind comes from the north.

Fire rises from the south.

Shaking from the east.

The day is upon us. Many will see and fear.