The LORD shows me a huge brown teddy bear. And, I see a bunch of kids in wheelchairs. They are all cancer patients. Bald heads are everywhere. We roll the wheelchairs out of the hospital ward and play broom hockey in the parking lot. It is great for all.
I see me but my hands on their heads, kiss their foreheads and instantly, they are moved into their destinies. They, like grow up right before my eyes. I can see who they will become. Some wear suits; some are firefighters; some are nurses and politicians. Some are school teachers and preachers. But, the devil wants to take out the youth before they get an opportunity to grow up into the fullness of who He wants them to be. So, the LORD is looking for someone – someone to cry out, “injustice!” Someone to go fight the devil and destroy his works. “Here I am, LORD! Here I am! Injustice!!!”
I believe that greater works shall happen soon. I will lay hands on cancer-ridden kids, and they will recover.
Bless God