Category: Dreams & Visions
Dream Basement & Copperheads
I dreamed that I was walking down a hill to the back yard and my basement. There was a side door. As I was walking, I saw two pits. The larger one had two copperheads in it just lying there. They didn’t see me or
Dream | Planes
I dreamed that I was trying to go from one plane to my next plane. I had landed and was in the terminal but had no idea how to get to my connecting flight. I ran down a long, long concourse until I thought I
Dream Dark Green Viper
I dreamed we got out of our car and stepped down the cement steps. I turned back to wait for the others but somehow trimmed back the grass to the right of the steps only to expose a dark green viper all balled up next
Dream Up the Elevator 1,000 Floors
I dreamed that I was riding up an elevator very quickly. We went up a thousand floors. At the top, I wanted to go back down, but there was no way to go down. I dont recall seeing the elevator at all. They strapped ropes
Fast 6 of 21
Been dreaming a lot during this fast. Looks like the mountain of stuff I have been climbing up is on the downslope. Perhaps, I have made the turn. I dreamed I was climbing a mountain of baggage. It was so very high that it was
Dream | Mob Attacking
We have been under attack. Rachel, who led worship, jetted out this week and has been running her mouth. That caused another lady to leave. After rachel left this week in offense, she started talking. Another lady she brought in up and left. We have
Dream Dead Blonde Girl
I dreamed that there as a dead blonde girl on a platform on a street corner. People had been praying for her to come back. I was up above her on the street adn about to go down to pray for her. I ended up
Dream – Mountain Top
We are coming into a mountain experience season. But, there is more to be revealed. 50 daughter churches. Yes, LORD! I dreamed I was coming to the very top of the mountain. We were walking but pushing an old bike ghat had a banana seat.
Dream Old Marietta House
I dreamed I was sitting in my old house in Marietta. I watched a pine tree fall and then crashito our house and fall through the room next to the one I was in. Praying against something coming against my parents.
Dream | Randy Clark
I dreamed that I was talking to Randy Clark. He was writing a book. We were in some kind of shop, walking aroudn just talking. I was introduced to him because of the call on my life. It seems that he know of many people