Category: Fast & Pray α
2nd Year at Paragon
Two years at Paragon. Painful. Hoping the LORD has changed me through it all. Fighting another rash. Torment. Demonic. God am I mad at someone? Is this legal? Starting the fast tonight. Juice. Fasting against unbelief. Feeling like I need deliverance. Donut dream: seven –
Fast 40/40
This fast had many, many times of eating. It had many times of war. LOTS. I dont recall my direct encounters. I long for more. It seems my Christian walk is filled with regret. I would like fulfillment. It is a promise. God?
Attack Fast 25/40
I got visited by the punk devil last night. Baby… Laboring through the fast. Was ugly towards the lady at Fed Ex – mask nazi. Not a lot of patience for that. Need to love better. Spoke with Grant on Crossroads Victory church. Feeling that
Fast 1/3
Seeking the LORSD for definition of my ministry. Seeking the LORD for Ross Reels’ job for Jen. The LORD called this fast.
Fast 5/5
Has the LORD done a work? I dont know. I feel the big desire to do the work. I want the miracles. It’s all about Jesus. Me and Him. Truly, He is everything. And, it’s about discipling nations. How to get back in the miracles,
Dream: Surgeon
I dreamed that I was a surgeon. There was a war going on. I was about to operate on a baby who had a bullet hole in his back. Critical condition. There was a picture of the baby with his wound on my table. There
Fast 3/5
I struggled to get up this am. 5:00 But, I did. I came down and decided that sparkling water and tea dont qualify for a fast. As I sat here praying, I saw the LORD Jesus sitting at a table. He was drinking coffee. Ha!
My list of God things going on with Jen: Angel of fire in the car as we came back from fishing at williams fork (our first fishing place). starbucks picture of girl with hair to her butt (was in my dream) Bill and Lori Watson’s
April 1 – 16 Years Old!
I turn 16 today. Sweet 16. Wow! Much as transpired all of these years. So much… It’s funny. I dont remember being so discouraged where I am in the LORD. I rarely feel Him anymore. How horrible. My fast ends today. 5 days. I did
Fast 4/5 – Revelation on Women
Nothing noticeable has happened on this fast. I used to see God blow things up. Now, I am no sure. But, there is time yet. This thing about the three young ladies who all reached out to me is really bugging me. I want to