Category: Prophetic Words for the World
Nate Johnston | Three 7 Year Periods
Peace, John John Steinjohn@troutprophets.com970-765-8474
Word from the prophetic council on 2022: Dear John, The Era of the Holy Spirit and the Year of UpgradeWord from the APCE for 2022 & Beyond The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders was convened 22 years ago under the leadership of C. Peter Wagner and steered
Word on 2021
From cindy jacobs and the global prophetic counsel THE STANDWord from the APCE for 2021 & Beyond The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders was convened 22 years ago under the leadership of C. Peter Wagner and steered by Cindy Jacobs of Generals International. For years, this council
Word to Clare Foster | Heidi Baker’s Elisha
I have started getting some pretty amazing words. God is really increasing what He is telling me. Last night, I spoke with one of the millennials coming up. She has an amazing love for Jesus and super-high calling. As we were talking, I got the
Now Promises – Johnny Enlow
Almost a year to the day, this word comes out. Last March, the LORD told me “NOW”, and as I have maintained, I knew He meant the promises. Amazing. Let it be so, LORD. “The Time is NOW for Promises to Be Fulfilled!” Johnny Enlow,
Johnny Enlow | It All Starts Tomorrow
Amen. John R. Enlow 2 hrs · February 24, 2018: It All Changes Today There are days in the economy of God where on one specific day a Kairos moment has been determined and suddenly everything changes. A line is drawn in the sand and a
George Washington Born 2/22
Did NOT know that. This is a great story on George Washington. “Native American Chief PROPHESIES to George Washington!” Eddie Hyatt and Breaking Christian News During this time, two horses were shot out from under [Washington] and his clothes were shredded with bullets. He emerged
111 from Lana Vawser
Interesting how this keeps coming up. Twice in two days from two totally different people. Lana connects it to families. Yes God! FREEDOM AND BLESSING IN FAMILIES IN 2018 by Lana Vawser Ministries By Lana Vawser I had a very significant dream recently and the
More on 2018 and Correction
Sounds like Home Depot A GREAT SHAKING & RECONSTRUCTION Word of the Lord~ by Amanda Shiflett 💫💥🔨📈 #Prophecy #Shaking #Reconstruction This will be a year of great shaking, both in the spiritual, and in the natural. I sense many major earthquakes hitting the earth in
Anita Alexander on 2018
2018- THE LANDSCAPE IS SUDDENLY ABOUT TO CHANGE Anita Alexander Recently I had a dream where the Lord was showing me what is about to come upon the body of Christ in this season. THE BREAKTHROUGH OF TOUGH GROUND THROUGH BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS In