Category: Prophetic Words for the World
Vision: Right Arm of Heaven
I see a big right arm come out of heaven with a spike in His hand. He sets it in the middle of America. A mighty hammer drives the stake deep into the earth. A line of string is tied around the steak and measured
Doug Addison on current times
Doug Addison: God is Ordering Your “Repayment and Promotion” Doug Addison Nov 17, 2011 Newsletter dated November 15, 2011: Transitional Time Eleven is a number that is symbolic of transition (almost twelve, which represents the government of God and the starting of a new day).
Words are starting to come in. Curt Landry: Entering into a New Season – Foundations for the Next 10 Years by Curt Landry Nov 4, 2011 As we cross over the threshold of time and enter into a new season – the Hebraic year 5772
Jeff Jansen on What’s Up
Jeff Jansen: The 30 Year Word of the “End Time Army of God” is Coming to Pass by Jeff Jansen Oct 13, 2011 Bob Jones’ 1979 Vision of the Sands of Time As all of us are already aware, we are in a season of
Wallstreet is coming down
I see buildings crumbling in NYC. They are collapsing on Wall Street. Foundational structures are too weak to support the weight. I see the bull upside down, and I see the bear raised up on his hind legs. He is a proud bear and intimidated
Word from Joyner on what’s up
PROPHETIC BULLETIN The Great Tsunami By Rick Joyner In 1987 I had a two-and-a-half-day prophetic experience in which I was shown a panorama of coming events that I wrote about in my book titled, The Harvest. Most of what I saw coming has now taken
More words just keep coming out
I love this one Cindy McGill: Get Ready to Rock the World – The Best is Yet to Come by Cindy McGill Aug 30, 2011 Jesus is in the house and He is getting ready to rock this place. I felt like the Lord spoke
Paul Keith Davis on What’s UP
This is an awesome word – all the way down to the blind being healed. I totally connect with this word. WHITEDOVE E-NEWSLETTER August 2011 FROM: Paul Keith & Wanda Davis Click this link to read, email or print online Greetings friends, Wanda and I
Jesus over Washington DC
I saw Jesus walking up the Washington monument. He reached the top and looked around. The He took an American flag and placed it on top of the monument. The wind picked up and blew strongly. He is taking America back.
Here I am LORD, send me!
Even though this word is now 37 years old, its significance has not diminished. I attach special significance to the fact that the vision was received in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. I believe that when you see the other more current visions that God has given