Category: Journal ✞
Dream | Bull Whip
I dreamed I was in a room whipping people with a long, leather bull whip. But I didn’t want to. My boss was making me. I finally decided not to and tore the whip up. Then I was walking outside. I saw a humongous tree
From Compassion International. Good stuff. Patience is the capacity to tolerate challenges or delays without getting upset. Most of us would love to have more patience in our lives, but it’s not always easy. Patience is the topic of many Bible studies, counseling sessions and
Teaching on Patience
James 1:2 – count it all joy Count it all joyu when you fall into various trials, know that the testin for your faith produces PATIENCE. Trials in maturity = patience You know how to be joyful because it is producing something good in you.
Dream | Whip! & Patience
Be Patient! I have heard that word a lot recently. This morning, I dreamed I was whipping people with a big, long leather whip. I hated doing it but was commanded to. Finally, I decdided no longer. I tore the whip apart. Whipping people can
Done with Grace Church
I am done with Grace Community church. I guess I have too many hurts or too much pride to be useful. I tried meeting with one of the leaders of the men’s bible study. He was smug. I pretty much told him he was a
I interviewed with REgion 10 yesterday. They are starting an incubator out of Olathe. This role woudl run it. I would make a little. Crazy. Thank You, LORD. But, I would be the guy who opens up the area for startups. Legacy. Your will, LORD.
HARD Year Already
This year has started out hard, hard. No job. 30k in taxes owed FBI investigating mountain taxi I interview with the regional economic development group today. 63k/year. Hard to pay bills with that. But, I want to see if God is in it. I will
Dream | Golf Tourney
I dreamed I was watching a golf tournament in Hawaii. It followed along for several holes. I then heard the announcer say we were switching to live coverage. There were about four people walk around in thigh deep water trying to find one of the