Category: Prophetic Coffee
Fighting for the family
I see Laura in a row boat on a the sea at night. It is storming out. She cries out for help, and I come down on the back of huge eagle and pick her up and carry her to safety. I see the kids
Mach 5 (again)
I am driving the Mach 5 again. This time, Jesus and I are racing through the mountains. He is in His car – I am in mine. We are having a blast as we wind around the tight curves. Every now and then a demon
Jesus on a tractor
I see Jesus driving a tractor. Behind it, He pulls a trailer with a bunch of people in what appears to be a jail. There are iron bars and an iron door. He pulls up to me and say, “jump on”. I climb on with
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me…to set the captives free
I see Jesus driving a tractor. Behind it, He pulls a trailer with a bunch of people in what appears to be a jail on wheels. There are iron bars and an iron door. He pulls up to me and says, “jump on”. I climb
America Tilts
America is tilting to the left. I see the waters overtaking those on that side. And, I see those on the right being lifted up. Righteousness will prevail. There are three eagles flying around the perimeter of the our country. The LORD is raising up
We are flying a rocket over America and king cobra
A rocket takes off over America. It shines like fireworks witha ll kinds of glitter and brillian colors following it. I see Laura, the kids and I flying it towards space. Saturn is in our view. Jesus is riding the rocket like a cowboy rides
Demons attack EVS
I see millions of snakes coming into EVS. They slither up the stairs, in the elevator and through the walls. They have no end and no boundaries. I see them listening in on Nate’s conversations. They place their heads to the doors like they have
Sheep in a pen
I see a bunch of sheep in a pen. There is a hunter in the mountains looking down at them. He is positioned in the rocks on a ledge and is not easy to detect. So, I climb. I climb right up the face of
Samaurai Sword
I have a big samaurai sword and am walking through the jungle. Through the forrest, I can see a clearing. There is light at the end of the trail. Before I can reach the end of the trail, a tiger jumps out and attacks. i
Dump Truck Driver
I am driving a dump truck over the Divide and back up to the Valley. There are skeletons in the back of the dump truck. I get to the top of the Valley and pour the bones out onto the Valley floor. An angel announces,