Category: Revelation
leviathan studied
Job 3:8May those curse it who curse the day,Those who are ready to arouse Leviathan.Job 3:7-9 (in Context) Job 3 (Whole Chapter) Job 41:1“Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook,Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower?Job 41:1-3 (in Context) Job 41 (Whole Chapter) Psalm 74:14You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces,And
Leviathan is identified
Well, God didnt take long to show me what He wants me to learn. Yesterday’s meeting was an attack by Leviathan. I got that in my spirit and confirmed through two of today’s devotionals. Crazy. That has led me to study this demon. “Accuser”, “beholder
the beginning of sorrows
To continue what the LORD is showing me in Ezekiel, we see that Jesus spoke the same words as Ezekiel did in chapter 6. I really do believe that the LORD is showing me that something is impending. This word is so big that I
Generational curses will be broken
So, I look at Jordan and see that she had something on her from the day she left the womb. Even the doctor saw that she had an independent spirit at 9 mos of age. Fear has been given to her from generations past. But,
fresh bread
Luke 3:18 And with many other exhortations he preached to the people. The other day, we spoke about 1 Cor 14:3 and the idea of speaking prophetic truth to people and what it means to get a word that doesnt necessarily make someone feel good.
the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom wisdom is the tree of life those with wisdom speak life into God’s children; the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation and the spirit of wisdom are her
word of the Lord
everything is of the Lord; the very body contains the Word; all is composed and comprised of the Word of God everything contains His Word. He created it all. He spoke, and it came into being our prayers, our belief, our faith and our trust
the way of the cross
The way of the cross is such unknown territory that even thsoe who think they know Crhist have o nidea until they come face to face witht hemselves in that place that the only perception of relief is but to die.
the lion and the lamb
one with the other – not one in opposition to the other Truth :: Love Lion :: Lamb You have learned the ways of the lion, but there is more – much more. But, before you can discover greater and deeper mysteries of Me, you