Chuck Pierce on demonstration

Dear Overcomers:

During Purim we prophesied that a Purim Reality would occur. That means something and someone that was set against God’s covenant would be exposed and brought to justice. What was prophesied was announced last night when our President shared about Osama bin Laden. Justice was brought forth! This was a modern day Purim event (see below).

Since Passover, we have experienced almost non-stop rain here in Denton! Apostle Jay Swallow made an apostolic decree and the rain has come. Part of what he shared on Friday, April 22 was:

“We declare this is a day of miracles. We declare we call in the rain! Call in the rain! Put out that fire! We respond to Your notification that this is our responsibility to bring forth the new and the living way. Yahweh! We call upon You. Bring in the clouds. Bring it supernaturally. God we create in our hearts the word. Bring an end to the drought. God we call upon You! Oh God! Oh! Bring it down! We declare this to be so in Yahweh’s name. Let it roll, let it rumble from your heart. Agree with me. Thank You Lord, we look for the rain. Get out your umbrellas. The rain is coming!”

Most importantly, revelation has poured forth.

“The Hour of Demonstration”

Here is a prophecy the Lord released through me and Barbara Wentroble at Passover:

“The skies are changing. Watch the skies. Watch Me ride! I AM bringing revelation for you to say now! This revelation will set the highways of Heaven and Earth in order. Roads now will open that have been closed. That way of yours that was just desolate will now come alive. I am Yah and I am riding and bringing the sound of Heaven along the lines of the earth. You are on My circuit this hour. Let Me ride in in triumph.

“When I come down and bring revelation, how and where you’ve been standing will shift. In the last season many of My children have stumbled, and many have gotten sideways. Many of you actually limped into the new season. But now I am building My platform for this season. You will rest in a new way as you war. Don’t let the war from the past season keep you from entering into the war of the new season! This war that is ahead and the war that you’ve crossed into – there is a REST to be found.

“This shall be a season not just as in the days of My prophets. They were those who had revelation of that which had not yet come into existence. Not only will you have revelation, but this shall be the hour of demonstration. I will cause a people to arise in this hour who will not just know the Word of the Lord and the will of the Lord, but they shall demonstrate it in power and authority in this earth. Out of that demonstration will come such a manifestation of My Kingdom.

“This is a time that I would cause My Kingdom to advance throughout the earth. That the prophets saw in days of old, that they only tasted of “the ages to come” – the age of My Kingdom has come. Rise up in this hour. Do not just receive My revelation but be a demonstration of that which I have longed to see in the earth. Know that there shall be a mighty manifestation of My Kingdom.

“My army shall advance My Kingdom in this hour. Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you for this season!”


Chuck Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries