I see a construction crane over Power Invasion. It is building the on ramp to a bridge. And, I see another one coming out of the Valley. EVS is its origin.
I see Randy operating the crane down there, and Nate operating the crane up here.
There are nuggets of gold in the mountains. The LORD says that He will supply and supply beyond all of our imaginations. The glory and the riches are laid up. We have complete access.
There is a quick work being done to connect the two bridge ends. And, I see the golden spike being laid down that marks completion. We will connect at 38th street.
There are lots of onramps to the bridge. Other churches will soon join in. Other companies will soon help lay the foundation, and many ministries will flow across the bridge.
I see a great river flowing under the bridge as they river of life streams underneath. A great outpouring of the LORD’s Spirit is coming. The bridge provides the place.
This is a major work.