Courts of Heaven

The courts of heaven have been coming up before me for a while now. I didnt like the legal bent of some of the guys preaching on it, but this chick has revelation on it.

The Court of Inheritance is like civil court. There is no accuser or prosecutor. Both parties present their cases to the judge. He decides. Our inheritences are like that. Galatians talks about being under the law. Son are led by the Spirit.

She says that once we are mature, our inheritances open up. God has been talking to me about maturity for several years now. That was 717.

And, in March, He says “now”, meaning the promises. I believe that God is calling me mature and able to steward my inheritance. Open it up Papa. Let them come forth. I am no longer under the law but free.


A Lawyer’s Insight on the Courts of Heaven | Conversation with Elizabeth Nixon [Episode 25]