At Daystar Saturday evening, I felt the entire night that I was wearing something on my head. In fact, several times, I would reach up to see if I had a hat or something up there. It was a physical sensation of pressure around the crown of my head. And it came to mind that I had had a crown placed upon my head by the LORD.
So, I wore my crown. I dont understand its meaning yet, but I know that He has done something new with authority.
Our trip to Israel had much to do about much. Corporately, I believe that the folks who went came back with an anointing for authority. We have the ability to walk in whatever He has purposed us for. We have the weight of heaven behind us. We have authority.
Individually, I have authority. I have the power of God at hand, and the kingdom is a kingdom of power and not words. I know that He is raising me up slowly. I also know that I must work through these issues with Laura and with selfish ambition. I need to continue to die to me.
I feel that there is so much to do. I am miles away from walking in the freedom that is promised me. His hand is still upon me in a strong way.
I am not 100% sure, but I think the crown is the crown of life as mentioned in James 1:12:
Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.