
The LORD is so good. He sent me to Daystar last night, and it was amazing. First of all, Johnny talked about the number 11. That is great. It speaks to revelation and the prophetic, according to Johnny. That is really good news. Joseph was also the eleventh kid. Maturation was another word mentioned by Johnny.

Hurricane Ida blew through here on 11/11. Ida means “prosperity”.

We are going to the next level. I am going to the next level in the prophetic and revelation of all.


Your destiny is an obstacle course designed to maximize your ability to love.  The greater the degree of difficulty the greater the rewards.  Your destiny is an obstacle course that is designed to be too hard for you.  It must be with Him, through him, and to Him.  Key ingredients: selflessness, courage, faith, dependence.   Christ in you, your hope of glory.  The Goal is not to feel confident, but fragile, ready to fall apart.   Where you are weak, God will be strong.   Isaiah 60:1-3

Also, God showed me that much of my warfare has been due to unforgiveness. I have been harboring offense against twelve people – all are people who spoke out against me during my desert walk. Most of them simply didnt know. So, I sent all but Taylor, Loraine and Burt and email/txt asking for forgiveness.

As it turned out, Nate responded back saying that he had been praying for me just that night and was going to be in ATL the next day. I plan on going down to the airport to visit with him before he leaves for Nigeria. Before I even left Daystar, I felt the release. The oppression lifted. I am lighter.

The names:

Nathan Brown

Evan Garber

Kevin Latty

Dave McCauly

Trey James

Peter Bourke






Randy Patterson

I released them all to the LORD last night. Bless God.