I got into a crazy one last night. A guy from ATL texted me about how he was leaving God to worship satan. I rebuked him. He countered. The light bulb went off that I was not talking to Michael. Through a series of texts (very few), God delivered Michael from the devil. Here is Michael’s testimony.
By Michael Young
Is it even possible that the power of Almighty God can move through a text message? I am sure you are asking yourself is this guy for real. Yes I am! It happened to me just recently, but first you need to know who I am. I am the man that God chose to move through to bring Amazing Moments Online Ministry to life. My name is Michael Young and I have been called by God to be a pastor and to build this online ministry for Jesus Christ and his kingdom. It is not my intention to allow anyone who follows us to believe that anyone of us that run this ministry are perfect in any way. Most of all me! I have many faults and at the time God called me to build this site I was very young in Christ. Many mistakes were made in the beginning, but somehow I pressed through every wall and storm that came my way. A testimony is only a testimony if all of the truth is revealed. This is the only way God can move. We must not leave out any detail. Well, Its time for you to know more about me and the things I struggle through in desperately trying to spread this ministry. About 6 months ago I was in a place where I had allowed my flesh to take over in being the head of Amazing Moments. It had been growing really fast and we had close to 11 people working within or with this organization. It was going to my head. I was making decisions based on my will and not God’s and this had to be stopped if we were ever to see his vision come to pass. I was starting to get frustrated because things were not coming together the way I believed they should. I felt that the people with me were not putting their all into building Amazing Moments. The truth is I was trying to make my will come to pass and this is why I was frustrated. Although, I did not see this at the time and I began to lose faith in myself and God. I was slipping into a darkness that God was allowing me to go into because he knew that the true core issues I was facing would finally be revealed and then he could finally bring me back where I belong! At that time things began to fall apart for me and have continued to until this very day. God was putting me through a cleansing fire to purify my soul and bring me into to a stable place within Christ Jesus. It is all to common for pastors and founders of ministries to slip into a place where their flesh is running the show and for each person it is different. We as human beings can become to wrapped up in the purpose God brings us because it is our destiny. I was trying so hard to build this ministry into what God had showed me it would become that I left him in the dust. My eyes water as I write this because I truly did not want this at all. I began to slip into old habits as I was choosing to reject God and walk away from all of it. I fell away and it has been a horrible experience I would not wish on any follower of Christ. I lost my job and then got really sick with many illnesses. I was in and out of the hospital for weeks because I was frustrated and stressed to the point that my body could no longer handle it. My car began to have problems that never seemed to end. Eventually, I had to leave school because I was not in a stable enough place to allow Christ to truly move in teaching me what I must know to become a pastor. Although all was not lost. You see when everyone gives up on you because you are falling apart God never will. Jesus continued to move on me as I was turning my back on him. I started seeing the number 42 everywhere. This number is the number God has associated with this ministry and my life. I saw it 3-5 times a day on license plates and in TV shows all the time. This I am saying is not what is important because most people will say I was looking for it when actually I was not. I knew 42 was God’s number for me and I chose to stop believing in what it had once meant to me. God never stopped trying to get my attention and even now I still see 42 on 3-5 license plates at stop lights everyday. It is not possible for this to happen by chance even if you are looking for it. Try it and see exactly what I am saying is the truth. This evening I contacted a friend that God brought into my life months earlier to try and heal me through. The first time I met with him it had little effect, but even then I could recognize the presence of Christ within him. I was texting him today and through the course of our conversation he sent a text in which he commanded in the name of Jesus Christ that I be delivered from every form of bondage I was chained to. I was in a state of pure unbelief and still the power of God moved on me. I felt a weight lift off me and it was beautiful! Yes his words are that powerful! God can and will deliver those who have fallen away and his power is real. Thank you Jesus for saving me from myself. Now I must humble myself and allow his will to be done. Please continue to follow us as you will soon see what happens when a storm truly passes. Pray for this ministry and let us know if there is anything we can do for you especially if you in your own struggle. Together we can help each other live the life God had so beautifully imagined for us. May God keep you and bless you always!
Never expect God to move on you the same way twice for this is what makes him so
Amazing Moments, Better Than Ever!