Den of Robbers (Message/Bible Study)

Mark 11

John 10:10 The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. God calls him the “thief”.

Jesus wants fruit in our lives as in every season. Mark 11:13

  • Jesus certainly knew it wasnt fig season. “But, He was hungry”. God is hungry for us to bear fruit. He still is.

When Jesus did the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the first thing He did was enter the temple. It says in Mark 11:11, “After looking around at everything, He left for Bethany.”

Bethany means “house of misery”. It was a prophetic representation for the state of man; God’s temple and pending place of residence.

The LORD takes note. He inspects. He searches the hearts and knows the condition.

John talks about the Vine, Branch and Vinedresser. Many have become disconnected and no longer bear fruit. Mark 11 is a warning. God looks for fruit. The disconnected vine gets thrown into the fire. The leafy fig, full of life, but not bearing fruit is cursed and dies. Are you seemingly living a life full but not bearing fruit for God?

Abide in Him. John gives the answer.

Because after INSPECTION comes CORRECTION. Mark 15 says that the next day, Jesus leaves Bethany for Jerusalem. He enters the temple and starts to move.

  • those transacting in the temple are driven out (demons)
  • money changers were overturned (love of money is the root of all evil). Proper use of what God intends is a big deal.
  • those selling doves lost their seats (never pimp the Holy Spirit)

Look at Balaam. He was a prophet of God.

INSTRUCTION COMES. “My house is a house of prayer.” God intends for each of us to be a prayer residence. Jesus is in us. And, He makes intercession for us.

You are house of prayer. Once correction came, Jesus brings revelation. His heart remains for the nations – for everyone. but, when we sell ourselves out like harlots to the world, we allow the thief to come in and render it all a mess, bearing no witness (fruit) to the world.

Just ask the non-believer about Christians. “Judgmental and hypocritical”. Yikes.

God will cleanse that. He will bring fire to it. Just ask Him. Allow Him into those areas in your heart where the devil is robbing you. Allow His fire to purify you. Make His temple His house – a house of prayer. Take the nations.

The next day, Jesus turns the discussion into reason. EXPLANATION.

Jesus connects the dead fig treat to faith in God.

Doubt, unbelief, distrust – rob you of mountain-moving faith.

God says in v24 – “All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”

v25 “Whenever you stand praying, forgive…”

If we want to see things happen, it requires faith. And, prayer is the weapon. But, if the “house” belongs to the thief, you can be assured that your prayers will be impacted. Faith will be impacted. Doubt, + unbelief will rise. Robbery.

A clean house requires removal of offense, unforgivenness, bitterness, envy drunkenness, carousing, fornication, adultery, etc. Those things pollute the house and make it a den of thieves.

Worry, stress, anxiety – fear. Robbers.

They rob you of faith.

Have faith in God, Jesus says.

Jude 1:11

Balaam pimped the gift.

Numbers 22

  • just because God moves on a situation does not mean He approves of your actions, ministry, etc.
  • megachurches making babies while growing substantially is a good example. God still wants holiness.