Discipleship to Apostleship, continued

In Matthew 10 and Luke 9, we see a very important and interesting event.

Jesus gives the disciples power and authority and sends them out. They are first called “apostles” at this point. They go out and do the stuff.

Then, in Matthew 17:14 and Luke 9:38, we see the demonic boy story. His dad brought him to the “disciples” who could not cast the demon out.

What happened to the apostles? Why are they now disciples?

I believe that Jesus brought them to a key point in their walks. He prophesied and showed them who they would become. Then, they were brought back down to earth. It would not be until the Holy Spirit fell on them in Acts that the real miracles would start.

Jesus rebuked the generation for being perverse and unbelieving. He didnt rebuke the boys. That is interesting.

I also believe that the boys had a journey ahead of them before great power would be released to them. But, Jesus was teaching them how to move in power. Things were about to change. They were called apostles before the transfiguration. After, they were just disciples again.

The glory of God came down, and man’s real identity was exposed. It is God’s glory that is to be revealed before man can do the stuff.

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In Luke 16, we see Jesus giving instructions. It says, “now He was also saying to the disciples…”

1) They spoke of being a manager/steward of possessions and acting shrewdly.

2) Of being faithful with a little and being given more

3) Making friends with the means of unrighteous wealth

4) You cannot serve two masters

5) the Law and the Prophets were up to John

6) Shift to the Kingdom of God

7) Rich man and Lazarus

Chapter 17 – “He said to His disciples…” So, they are now reverted back to disciples up to verse 5.

1) Stumbling blocks come.

2) Dont mess with children

3) Forgive the repenting sinner.

4) Rebuke the sinning brother.

VERSE 5: “The the apostles said to the LORD, “Increase our faith!”

This is out there. All of a sudden, there is a cathartic moment. Increase our faith. Something happened that caused them to slip back into their anointing as apostles and cry out for more faith. 1) Asking for more faith seems to be an apostolic event. 2) We can have moments where we move in the anointing of who we will become to get those things that we need to become that which we are anointed to be.

Jesus then goes on to speak about mustard seed faith. The 10 lepers get healed. The Kingdom of God.

And in verse 22, we see that they are back to being disciples.