Jenu – no peace as long as jezebel _ her harlotries and witchcrafts are so many
2 Samuel – rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft
disobedience = rebellion
greatest victory and jezebel curses him. next we see him by the brook. He wants o die (suicide comes from witchcraft and jexebel curses). He falls asleep – twice. Slumber is a sign of witchcraft.
Mt. Carmel – jezebel prouncouse the curse of elijah
“far be it from me…. if youre not dead!”
Garden of Gethsemene
Watch and Pray lest you fall into temptation. The devil was present for tempting. He was in the garden, and Jesus knew it.
The apostles kept falling asleep. Twice. Like Elijah.
In every way, He was tempted like us.
His prayers: Drops of blood & surrender
He was under attack to disobey God. Teh greatest victory was there but it required submission to God.
Some people are right on the cusp of their greatest victories but their disobeience has opened the door.
It’s time to repent.
Turn from your sins.
Isaiah 59:1-2
Say YES again to the LORD
Cigars and wine. Give it up. Stops the fullness of what God has.
Surrender for fullness.
Sometimes, the presence of the demonic is grace. It’s a red flag that something is wrong.
Submit to God. Resist the devil. He will flee.
Some of you are trying to end the warfare in your life but wont submit.
That comes first.
So again, repent.
Isaiah 59:20-21
Let’s pray