Conversation between Laura and I:
He is saying the same thing to me today. It’s all we have been talking about this am.
I wonder if we have something mixed up. The LORD told me not to be afraid before I left CO. Then, He said that He would show me my destiny/purpose.
Then, I saw all those amazing things happen in Austin. He told me that I am a prophet to the nations.
He sends me back here and says that He wants to heal our family. But, He never said to lay down my purpose – only to wait on John. He and I arent supposed to do anything now. But, I am not all sure what that means. Am I supposed to do the sales consulting thing? Am I supposed to work with Convene or similar group? Am I supposed to do something else? Am I supposed to just go help leaders now and let the LORD provide as He promises? These are all the questions that keep zooming through my head and give no focused direction for me to pursue.
I am not afraid of any of them. I just want to do the right one – the one that He wants, but I havent heard from Him on it. Or have I?
If I really do take the provisional component out (since He promises to provide), then I see me working with CEO’s right now. I can do that today and dont need a hidden agenda to do it. It would require Him to move the hearts of those that I help out to give us some kind of offering as He moves their hearts or something like that, but I dont see ever charging up front for that since that could be construed as false prophecy, which is a sure way to destruction.
So, what are we afraid of? What am I afraid of?
I am afraid of not doing what He wants.
Thank you for being there for me as this process goes on. You are so very helpful and a blessing to me indeed.
I love you.
On May 21, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Laura Stein wrote:
Do not be afraid. That is what I hear.
Laura Stein
5860 Bond St.
Cumming, GA 30040
From: John Stein []
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:49 AM
To: Laura Stein
Subject: Fwd: TGIF2: A Conversation in Heaven
sound familiar?
A Conversation in Heaven
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
Thursday, May 21 2009
“I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always” (1 Sam 2:35-36) .
I once imagined a meeting in heaven between the angel Gabriel and Jesus. It went something like this: “Gabriel, I chose 12 men from the workplace to build my Church. They were an unlikely group. But I wanted a people to express my life where they spend most of their time and experienced most of their challenges. However, today we have a problem. My Church is not being represented in the workplace. So, I’ve decided to call several people to serve me in this arena. We must awaken the Church in the workplace.
There is a man in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He reminds me of my servant Jacob. Boy, what a manipulator and controller he was before I did my work in him. Now you recall that Jacob became one of the patriarchs! This businessman in Atlanta that has the same potential. He is our man to awaken my servants. However, in order to awaken him to my plan and my destiny for him, I must remove some things he relies upon. This will draw him to myself. It will be painful at first, but necessary. It will take 7 years. But I plan to restore all I take from him. The result will be quite amazing. He will engage many others. He’ll usher in whole new focus in my Church that has been lost since those early days. I plan to do this with many others as well. My plan is designed to raise up an army in these last days before I return. It is time for you to go now. You know what you must do. Be gentle, but firm with my servant.”
What kind of conversation might Jesus and an angel have about your life? What catalyst is needed to bring you in alignment with the purposes and plans of God?