Dream: Back in School

I dreamed that I was back in school. It was the end of the year, and I had packed up my stuff. I was hanging out with friends, and there was a lady that I really liked. We were close to having sex. She liked me too but was married. Her husband was not around. This Sue was the Sue from Pro Golf Discount from where I worked in high school.

I even got my hands on her.

I hung around the place and tried connecting until I had to leave. We were trying to not let anyone know. We even held hands under the covers. Then, I left. she and another lady were at my rental home cleaning it. I stepped back in and saw them.

The kitchen floor was bright white. Sue had really gotten it clean.

I asked her about it, and we both commented on how hot the water was, which helped.

I told them that I would be back in 1 month.

I then wondered why I was leaving this place at all. It looked so nice after they cleaned it.